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Puzzles, Games and Name That Car => Solved AutoPuzzles => 2018 => Topic started by: Wendax on September 10, 2011, 01:18:32 PM
I think this is a tough one. The picture is from a period magazine. I haven't found anything about this car anywhere else, but perhaps you have.
For one point, please respond and identify this car.
Is it based on a Grade?
In fact, I don't know. In the contemporary article there is no connection mentioned. But for sure it was inspired by the Grade.
From 1906 or 1907...with the popular upturned fender styling. ;)
From 1906 or 1907...with the popular upturned fender styling. ;)
No, many years later
1917 Bartholomew Co. Glide-CeHa(Cadillac House) speedster ???
What a sweet rear enginged (german?) cycle car oddity.
My first thought was Grade, too, of course, but there were myriads of small companies in the late 1910´s and 1920´s.
Was the company situated in or ca.50km around Berlin?
It is German, but it was produced more than 50 km away from Berlin.
Is it an Arimofa, built by Ari-Motorfahrzeugbau GmbH of Plauen?
Not an Arimofa
Here's a part of a contemporary ad. Just as if it was built to be a puzzle car ;D
Looks rear engined.
Max Ell from Stuttgart? (Auto-Ell)
Rear engined, but not Max Ell
From the period 1920-25?
existed for more than one year?
I don't know as I only have a contemporary source and couldn't find it mentioned anywhere else. My guess would be that it only existed for a very short time.
Is it a BZ (Bootswerft Zeppelinhafen) Kleinwagen with a BMW motor cyle engine?
Open for all
not very likely but let's have a try: Böhler?
Der deutsche Ingenieur Fidelis Böhler und der Konstrukteur Carl Pollich stellten 1924 einen Kleinstwagen mit 10 PS starkem 500-ccm-Heckmotor auf die Räder
Sorry, no connection with Böhler
"Welches ist der Wagen..?" apparently they weren't that familiar with German grammar.
From the Eastern part of Germany?
Not from the Eastern part of Germany
North of Frankfurt a. M. ?
From a coastal state?
Yes, from Hamburg
I'm running out of HH cars from 1924, so here's my last guess on this motor:
Automobile der Marke Mikromobil wurden von 1921 bis 1924 in Hamburg-Wandsbek produziert. Hersteller war die ursprünglich als Automobil-Gesellschaft Thomsen KG firmierende Mikromobil AG. Es gab einen 4/18 und einen 6/18 PS; ihre Vierzylindermotoren waren Zweitakter. Ein weiteres Auto hatte einen 9 PS leistenden Einzylindermotor, konstruiert von einem Ingenieur namens Schoch.
We had a Mikromobil before. No connection to this one.
As I said before: apart from my contemporary source, I didn't read anything about this car in the last twenty years. It must have escaped the historians so far.
We had a Mikromobil before. No connection to this one.
As I said before: apart from my contemporary source, I didn't read anything about this car in the last twenty years. It must have escaped the historians so far.
Amazing! :sigh: ;)
The more so because it has a quite unusual appearance with its mid/rear-engine configuration. I'm curious about what it is.
Maybe it's named Sauer...
No, it's not.
A look at the engine
Basic engineering at its best...
No, Wiking was located at Flintbek near Kiel, not in Hamburg
I don't know where it was located, I was just looking at my notes from a 1924 magazine.
I was just giving additional information ;)
A wild guess and probably wrong: Keitel Luftstromwagen?
Not Keitel, which BTW was built in Wasseralfingen
It has finally arrived in total darkness.
Is it a Dehn?
Dehn was built in Hamburg, too, but this puzzle car is something else.
amphibious at all ?
Not amphibious
Is it a Badenia?
No, the marque is not mentioned at wikipedia.
I do not know if it is mentioned in Wikipedia, but my final guess for this is "Sauer".
It is not a Sauer, sorry.
So the question remains:
Is your contemporary source a magazine focused primarily on cars?
can you help me just a tiny bit and tell me something about your contemporary source? Is it a sporting magazine?
Its focus was on engineering.
It's not in the VDI zeitschrift. General engineering?
So, this is still the only source for this car? Amazing!
Yes. There are a few very ephemeral mentions of the company out there, that don't go beyond its pure existence. The car itself is not mentioned on the web or in any book I know.
"It's not in the VDI zeitschrift. General engineering?"
It is not from the VDI Zeitschrift.
The publication was a weekly one about engineering.
Regional magazine or published nationwide?
I guess from the Hanseatic region
was it published in Hamburg?
hmm, I am a bit stumped. The title doesn't have the following words: ingeniure, technik, verkehr, industrie, metal, motoren. I don't have any idea of its title
The German language can be versatile. May be not as much as Hungarian, but enough to keep you entertained. ;D
A derivative of one word in your list is part of the title.
I tried technisches but no. Does it have anything to do with industrie?
Technische is part of the publication's title. ;)
You mean, Hamburger technische Rundschau?
well, that's bad news. It's only available in a library in Leipzig and I don't plan to go there. But it may appear in a digital library at some point.
There is a long list of things I'd like to do at the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek this week. One of them is a small attempt to identify some of the Black Hole cars.
And I have my first victory. This is the Umba Kleinauto with a 770 cc 4,4/14 PS engine by the Umba Auto AG (Hamburg 23 Pappelallee 41-43). If Wendax doesn't publish the article, I'll scan it tomorrow
:applause: :thumbsup: :applause: :thumbsup: :applause:
Doctor rerum automobilium strikes again! After more than seven years this puzzle is solved, although this car isn't mentioned in any book I know. Rarely ever were two points well deserved as these.
The article below as well as the first ad are from July 25, 1924, the second ad is from August 8, 1924. The company was founded on October 17, 1923.
Congratulations Pal, that was one of the toughest ever! I'm wondering how many of these were built.
:applause: :applause:
Staatsarchiv Hamburg holds several papers related to Umba Auto. I am trying to get copies of those.
Oh, and Wendax, this was a great idea - this magazine had lots of interesting articles on one-off or unknown cars over the years. But no, I will not post those as puzzles :)
Why not? :)
A letterhead
The name "Umba" came from Ing. Curt Umbach, who was one of the founders.
Mentioned in the 1923/1924 edition of the Handbuch der deutschen Aktiengesellschaften, the next year it couldn't be found there anymore: