You got there in the end. The specialist website which covers Lola history is littered with errors. Many of the images have incorrect captions.
Peter Ashdown, works driver, was convinced that the FJ chassis could cope with more power, and decided to have a bash at Formula 2. He got engineer Gerald Smith to design and construct a new twin-cam head and this was fitted to a Climax FWB of 1460cc, standard fitment for British F2 cars. It raced only once at Crystal Palace Whit Monday 1960 and was disappointing, and never raced again.
The puzzle photo is taken at testing at Goodwood. I have seen a photo of the car being towed through Chichester. There are incorrect postings all over the place about this car - sometimes that the engine was a bored-out FWA, sometimes that it was a Ford.
Another point to you.