Thank you Sichel. I agree with you. It is indeed conceivable that images of a Longbridge original were used in promotional material for licensed product. So, with neither you nor I able to spot a difference, assuming no one else can do so either then, logically, it can't be claimed that the image is exclusively that of a licensed product. So I think that, with the amended manufacturing dates, the answer meets the requirements of the question. The rest is up to you.
Accepting, though, that there will be more than one possible answer to the question, could I suggest that it is thrown open again. It would be interesting to see what further answers are given, and I have no way of coming up with any.
Also, there is one apparent difference between the image and actual Longbridge product that I've just spotted. On actual Longbridge cars, the sills flare out slightly. I'm sceptical, though, as to whether the apparent difference is real - it wouldn't have been cost-effective for a commercial artist to spend time getting this difficult detail right when all the major features have been rendered correctly.