Congratulations, you win another point! The car in the first picture is not the Black Beast, but another ALCO-6 racer from the same period owned by Grover Cleveland Bergdoll, who is shown making repairs to it during the Vanderbilt Cup (my sources are unclear about the year). Grover Bergdoll came from a rich Philadelphia family; his grandfather had been a German immigrant who had founded the Louis Bergdoll & Sons Brewing Company. He was an early aviator and racing enthusiast, and with his older brothers Louis J. and Erwin co-founded the Louis J. Bergdoll Motor Company. Grover would later become most (in)famous for escaping back to his family's ancestral land, Germany, to dodge the draft for the Great War. The bottom picture shows a Bergdoll Model 30, produced from 1908 to 1912. My information, from a seller who the photo on eBay as a poster, is that the stand was from 1911.