Let's try something different...
Because rumors of this car's existence had been circulating for some time, any mission to actively track down and obtain it would have to be conducted with particular discretion to avoid attracting the attention of certain car hunters, brokers, etc. Naturally, such quiet and cautious searches tend to be slow-going, often testing the patience of the potential purchaser. But thanks to some serendipitous timing, this car was not only far easier to track down than expected, it happened to be local to me, and the owner had recently decided to sell. The overseas owner had entrusted the car with a U.S. dealer, who kept it stashed away at a discreet location here in the Los Angeles area. I hastily arranged to inspect the car and document its condition.
I'd planned to inspect the car at the dealership, where I knew the lighting would be excellent and a commercial lift would be available. But when I arrived, I was introduced to an agent who drove me to a non-descript building several blocks away. He escorted me into the building, down a concrete stairwell, and into a poorly-lit underground garage. And there the car sat, tucked away in a dark corner, beneath a flickering fluorescent light and a system of pipes. I inspected and photographed it as thoroughly as possible (given the less-than-ideal conditions) and found that it was exactly as-described. A deal was made soon after and the car was shipped to the next point along its journey.
This is a cropped section from one of the photos I took that day. The make and model of the car will be obvious to most of you, but there's something noteworthy about this particular example. Identify what that is for a point.