Author Topic: Name Needed... SOLVED!:Dan LaLee Streamliner  (Read 19333 times)

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I joined as I was following the tracks of the "Dan LaLee streamliner". Since Grobmotorix found this identification, confirmed by different leads, I have always felt that this puzzle should be declared solved. All that was maybe missing was the source of this identification, which Grobmotorix said he was unable to track again.

I found it, I think. It's not on "The Making of Modern Michigan", as he thought, but on a related site:
Grobmotorix pictures come from The Detroit News, dated 2-10-1938. Dan LaLee is mentioned in the description. So, a Michigan newspaper, and nothing says that the pictures haven't been taken on the Packard proving grounds, like Motorace thinks, but it can as well be on a California airfield (which would look just the same), since LaLee was a "California airman". Those from  Popular Mechanics" are California photographs.

I believe this is enough to recognize LaLee's fatherhood of this car and I wrote to Tuckeroo and asked if he could declare this one solved.

And, by the way, could an admin move this topic to the Solved section?
« Last Edit: January 12, 2009, 07:59:25 AM by Ray B. »
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To further establish the identity of Dan LaLee, here is an older post on the Hemmings blog I had forgotten about:

Then, over the weekend, we had a breakthrough of sorts. The pictures were posted to the forum and almost immediately, a name popped up in association with the older photos: Dan LaLee.

But who was Dan LaLee? The responses on the forum didn’t come up with an answer. So anybody out there familiar with the name?

UPDATE: Kit Foster informs us that the Social Security Death Index lists only one Daniel LaLee, born December 15, 1899, in Michigan, died December 1976, last residence Lompoc, California. “The cohort of people who remember him would be in their seventies and eighties, and they may have a lower-than-average frequency of blogreading,” Kit said. But that LaLee definitely sounds like the kind of guy who would have designed the mystery retractable hardtop.

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It is written somewhere that the Dan Lalee story will be an endless one. I found, on, that the car eventually ended in King Farouk of Egypt's collection (and I couldn't believe my eyes). Here is the proof if you need one (second car from left).
I emailed PrewarCar to let them know how this car, which is becoming a true legend, had been first identified at by Grobmotorix.
« Last Edit: February 17, 2009, 12:08:26 PM by Ray B. »
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Very cool!
You wanna be the man, you gotta Name That Car!

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Latest LaLee news!
Still on PrewarCar, author Terry Boyce produced a new photo of the car. The license plate (the same as in the movie) comes clearly from Michigan.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2009, 08:04:25 AM by Ray B. »
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Thank you all. Now the photo can be seen at LIFE Magazine´s fabulous web archive:

« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 05:35:24 PM by Ray B. »

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Latest LaLee news. Other images popped up on the Hemmings blog.  I'm not giving the link to the blog, but it's easy to find and much used by all autopuzzlers.
Here are those images of a great car which (let's not forget) was first identified on Autopuzzles.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2010, 05:33:49 PM by Ray B. »
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Re: Name Needed... SOLVED!:Dan LaLee Streamliner
« Reply #32 on: December 21, 2010, 08:20:24 AM »
I think that very few relate to the fact that Alex was a mere 19-20 year old chap when he first started his design career with Cord while working with the experienced Gordon Buerhig.

The Tucker site brings forth that he was instrumental in the design of the Tucker, but did not actually design the car as a whole,
Many may not realize that he also designed many fabulous Austin's for the company.

Much was said about the "Tucker Convertible", few here may know that we were the "others" tallked about in ESPN and many articles.
We turned down interviews with many including the NY Times. We picked up our deposit and cancelled our contract to purchase that car as many learned. Enjoyed working with you and others at the Tucker site Tuckeroo !
Alex was indeed a talented and futuristic designer in many ways and in many fields of design, as well as La Lee.

Sorry for dropping off the planet with the Harris story Ulltra, we recieved another 100 pages of documents on Ben and his creation which have totally overwhelmed and astounded us.

We also recieved / unearthed 28 pictures that were hidden away in negatives for the past 58 years.
There is now no doubt in anything that we have placed in writting about Ben and his futuristic exotic sporting automobile.

Ultra, we feel that we may be of more help in the future in getting autopuzzles a little more well known at Hemmings and perhaps many other known publications , your site and the people that contribute are the best !!!!!

Merry Christmas to all, and please remember, that Christ is the reason for the season.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2010, 08:25:26 AM by motorcar1 »

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Re: Name Needed... SOLVED!:Dan LaLee Streamliner
« Reply #33 on: September 08, 2012, 05:43:45 AM »
I really would like to know more about the flier La Lee or Lalee...
« Last Edit: September 08, 2012, 05:47:26 AM by grobmotorix »