I would like to encourage members to tell me which racing cars, from any era, have made them say to themselves, "that's a car I like" for any reason at all. We've all seen on other websites the usual tedious "what's the best car of all time", or "what is the most beautiful car" type of thread - these can degenerate into the cultural level of a 15-year old girl on Facebook.
Racing fans often have a "secret" admiration of a particular car which maybe they have never shared with anyone. I would like to hear from you, preferably with an accompanying photo, and a brief explantion. If it's something as commonplace as a Lotus 49 or Porsche 917, then that's fine, but I want to know why you have selected it.
I'm going to start off with this, the Connew. If you don't know about the car, there are extensive sites which tell the whole story (no links on AP) including an excellent one I found this morning which is written by the builder's son. Sufficient to say, in 1972, a man who knew very little about motor sport built this car in a lock-up garage with the help of a few friends. It was a traditional DFV-powered, Hewland gearbox ensemble, nothing outstanding in its construction, but it must rank as the last truly homemade Formula 1 racing car.
The story is almost like a fairytale, except the car wasn't particularly successful (they borrowed a DFV from McLaren, and were frightened to take it over 9000rpm, when all the other teams would happily reach 11000rpm). Yet it WAS a success, because it was built, and raced, and a small band of friends had fun, and Colin Chapman himself came down the pitlane to have a look. It's a wonderful, heartwarming story, The car is presently being restored with a dummy engine, so sadly it won't race again.
As you may all have realised, I'm a sucker for the old ways in F1 - this car would not be allowed a look-in by the modern "owners" of the sport. To think that Peter Connew could achieve what he did, pleases me to a very great extent.