Hell of a drive from Jon Field in the Intersport car, especially after his big crash at Sebring. Too bad things fell apart for them later in the race. Also a tremendous battle Between the Aston and the Acura. I figured that the Aston would just serenely drive away from the field. I figured wrong, and the battle went down to the last lap.
I would have liked to see more coverage of GT, but understand why when there's a good fight for the overall win, the other classes get neglected. I think I briefly saw a Corvette or two at some point during the race.
As far as the two field-filling spec classes, they seemed to be in the way a lot, especially the Spec-Oreckers. They need a bit more power to be able to clear the GT cars on the straights. They also need to stop spinning and hitting things. From what I've heard, the transaxle is ridiculously heavy, making the cars tail-happy off the corners. The GTC seemed to be less troublesome, but why not open it up to all FIA GT3 cars, instead of having another spec class for Cup cars?