During Speed Week, the Target 550 streamliner got its clothes on and went on display. It didn't run, but it was there for people to see and it gave the team some practice at moving the car carrier, loading and unloading the trailers and all the stuff that goes along with bringing a purpose-built race car to the salt flats.
The response was tremendous. So much so that it completely wore about everyone out just answering questions and explaining things. I even got into the act, showing off the HUGE superchargers and the stainless steel tanks. Here's the link to the new images:
http://www.target550.com/gallery/186_liner_hits_salt/index.htmlA lot of the time I was doing other photographic duty for
www.landracing.com and shooting for a brand-new team that ended up setting a record in the A/BGT (engine size between 450 and 500 cubic inches, blown Grand Touring...it was a C6 Corvette) and by the next-to-last day, the shutter on my Canon 7D camera had failed, my newest lens had decided to quit working with any of my camera bodies and about 9 days of 95+F heat punctuated by wind and rain storms from hell...well, let's just say that I was glad to drive home. The camera body is in the shop and will probably cost almost exactly what I was paid for the Corvette team's "glamour" shoot. It's nice to be home for a bit, but I'll probably go out for 1 or 2 days of the BUB motorcycle meet because a friend has been offered a ride on a rather wild 2-wheeled beast. I've attached a photo of it. It's a recumbent bike...the rider lies on his back and belts in with a 5-point harness. He'll be lucky if he doesn't kill himself in it.
Meanwhile, George Poteet, driving the "Speed Demon" streamliner, took his D/BFS (under 5-liter, blown fuel streamliner) to a record speed of 420 mph averaged over 2 runs. That makes his record the fastest single-engined car ever recorded by the Southern California Timing Association, the sanctioning body for Speed Week. In September, we'll have an FIA/FIM meet for international records. Photos of Poteet's qualifying run are attached.
Must sleep now.