I haven't listed the last couple of posts on the Target 550 build diary cuz I've been swamped with other stuff. But the latest one is here:
http://www.target550.com/gallery/208_tail_danny_thompson/index.htmlIt has a couple of topics. The first shows the final details in finishing the liner's tail section and an explanation of the process and why it's been so labor and time intensive. The second covers a visit by Marlo Treit and Glenn Freudenberger to Danny Thompson's shop and gives a little insight into their discussion.
For those who don't know, Danny Thompson is the some of famed race driver/promoter Mickey Thompson. Danny's currently rebuilding one of Mickey's streamliners (dual engines with the driver sitting behind the front one) to run on the salt flats. He hopes to have it done in time for Speed Week on the salt, Aug 10-16. I'm really looking forward to seeing that. The attached photo shows a bit of Danny's liner project.
Good stuff!