If it were about a truck, "Burglöwe" would be a good idea, but so...
There is obviously a misunderstanding here. The word we were looking for already appeared in the puzzle. In the manufacturers you mentioned with double names and also in the answer to question #33. Well, all clarities cleared up?
Well, I'm really puzzled. I looked one more time at all this puzzle but I found no hint about this word. As for the manufacturer mentioned with double names (Fross-Büssing, Büssing-OM), uou just answered "No Fross-Büssing, no Büssing-OM but...". And I didn't find question #33 (questions with a ?), just Reply #33 "Büssing 5000 TU ?"
I have no idea where to search now. Maybe you open this puzzle, so that somebody find the answer ?
PS I have a doubt : could Büssing Braunschweig be the answer ? If so, I hope you understand the misunderstanding.