The Ísar TorVeg was first announced in 2014. As is obvious from the images, it is an offroader specifically designed for the harsh Icelandic terrain (though it is intended to conform to EU standards so it can be sold worldwide). The name TorVeg stands for "Torfærur og Vegir" (Wilderness and Roads). It is to be made mostly in alumininium. The company expects to be able to finish the first prototype this year, and to start production next year. I hope they can pull it off.
The puzzle image comes from one of a series of fake Top Trumps cards that the Holts car products company made up for the 2016 European Football Cup. On their website they jokingly pitted cars from each of the competing nations against each other and then compared their results with the actual results of the matches. They contacted Ísar directly to get an image of their car to represent Iceland, and this was the first image to be shown publicly of the 3D model of the TorVeg. Below is another image that has been released last month. It still doesn't look terribly realistic, especially the doors... I'm still hoping they can make good on their promise, though, because it looks like it could be a very cool machine.