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#1- It is badged 'Lotus' but it's not...
I'm following Paul Jaray's example (Black Hole Candidates) by posting my own mysteries here 'en bloc'.Some may have already been solved here and I apologise if any were lined up as future puzzles - I can delete any on request that fall into that category.I have provided a few observations that I know that could help and will post an additional view if I have one. All I request is that - don't ask me questions that I can't answer!One point is offered for each positive identification, name of the car and who built it, even if it's a repost.Please provide proof/source to establish true identities.Points will be awarded as they are solved.So let's get the ball rolling by opening it up for Rookies and Experts.Pros will be able to join in soon.Some easy points up for grabs?Hints (and solutions)01 - French, Simca-based, falsely badged as a Lotus02 - Meyra Typ 56 (solved by Paul Jaray)03 - Emeryson 2-seater (solved by Paul Jaray)04 - Fiat-based coupe in the USA05 - Triumph TR3 R3 1957 Special - Ferrari inspired c.1969 (solved by Oguerrerob)06 - Fiat-based07 - British (rear window missing)08 - Albi-Devin 1961 (solved by D-Type)09 - Photo taken at Daytona 200810 - British. Photo taken at Spa 2010. I should know this one but can't find it.11 - Fiat Topolino with a body by Paul Farago 1949 (solved by Allemano)12 - Medsker Jaguar XJ220 replica (solved by whcgt)13 - British14 - Reitz Pinnaduo 1958 (solved by Allemano)15 - Photo taken in 1947. Possibly an Alvis with a Bidee body. Apologies for the poor image.16 - British. Maybe MG-based?17 - Apparently Belgian based on a Lotus Esprit18 - Faka Motorrikscha c.1950 (solved by Wendax)19 - Standard Superior Coupe 1934 (solved by Limo & Wendax)20 - Midget Fiat Topolino 1948 (solved by Quiller)The conundrums -
A picture of this one has just surfaced online, showing it in much better condition, but still unidentified...
That's proof enough for me. Woodinsight hasn't been posting for over 9 years now, athough he logged in this year though. I'll award you the point anyway for solving this old conundrum.
Funnily the license plate 47CUW belongs to a Berkeley SE 328!