Having damn near severed a finger with my table saw last year, I can attest that there is a great deal of anxiety when one thinks one is about to say sayonara to a digit.
Of course, here in Vo Disland, bikers are not required to wear a helmet but passengers are. And so we are treated all day long to the vision of testosterone laden idiots riding 200 hp motorcycles while lane splitting and doing wheelies on the interstate with a helmet dangling from their left elbow in case they get lucky and pick up some equally stupid broad along the way.
Probably not much of a market for these things among that crowd.
Max Nealon is the only one I can think of who would actually use something like these but I can't tell him about them because he is on that "other" website where I am
persona non grata and so I don't go there any more.
Life goes on.
If you ride on a regular basis and are the least bit concerned about what happens to your body when and if you should fall off, these things make a great deal of sense.