AutoPuzzles - The Internet's Museum of Rare Cars!
AutoPuzzles Today => News, Information and Feedback => Topic started by: pnegyesi on August 18, 2014, 04:53:45 AM
As you can see the site is back.
UPDATE 20 August: out of 56,000 coded pictures about 47,000 have been matched! We are now making those visible. For the rest we will need your help!
Thanks for your patience and support!
Just to recap what happened: on 9 August, the server crashed. Our hosting company replaced the server for free. But when the site was restored it turned out that there was no proper backup. Sad, but true. So we need to rebuild the database. And we are putting in place methods so there will be auto backup of the database from now on.
I think I can post... I believe...
Well, I would like to encourage you not to post. As the images are not visible at the moment it would be pointless.
Let me know if you have any other issues. Right now the focus is on rebuilding the site.
In the list of pictures , how are classified photos and how to find one ?
Photos are not classified. We may provide thumbnails but right now the only way is to click on them
Once you make a connection, that picture disappears from the list
One more thing, which could make the process of getting back on track easier.
You can upload your pictures again to your puzzles!!! So if you have a puzzle, which is not solved yet, you can upload the picture again, like this:
If we populate the existing Rookie, Expert, Pro etc. boards, we may start puzzling again real soon!
Simple enough to re-attach images to unsolved puzzles, as mentioned in reply #4. Is it OK to use the same method for solved puzzles?
Yes, it is ok to re-upload all of your images - whether it is a solved or un-solved puzzle
One more thing. I hope I was okay with the settings, but just for a few days, please don't add/deduct points.
Glad to see the site back online ! I was suffering from a severe case of AutoPuzzles deprivation during the last ten days.
I'll re-upload all my images soon, there are only a dozen of them so it will be fast. I feel sad for the members who posted hundreds or thousands of pictures, but as someone who works in IT I know that usually the question "where is that damn backup ?" arises only when it's too late !
Unfortunately there was no proper backup available, and for the last 3 years, picture names have been randomly selected so there is no way to match current forum topics with the pictures in the database. We need to rebuild the whole site - the connections between pictures and topics.
So it means that all pictures posted before 2011 will be automatically re-connected to their topics ? That would be quite a good news.
Is there any way to sort all forum messages in a chronological order somehow, regardless on the topic they belonged to? If yes, it could be easier to find a connection with pictures by just browsing through the messages and pictures from the first posts with no pictures and on.
I too am re-uploading my pictures. But are they removed from the bulk of the unsorted ones with some automatic software looking for duplicates?
Otherwise, it doesn'help reducing the number of pictures to be relinked.
By the way: it's a nightmare!
Is there any way to sort all forum messages in a chronological order somehow, regardless on the topic they belonged to?
I've noticed that the pictures looks numbered in somehow a cronolocial order. A crazy guess (by a non-IT guy): is there any chance to match the image file date and time when it was uploaded on the server with the message date and time?
So it means that all pictures posted before 2011 will be automatically re-connected to their topics ? That would be quite a good news.
From what I can see, puzzles originally posted before the middle of September 2010 still have their pictures attached (assuming they were posted as attachments, which most were). They are currently not displaying on the page, but if you click the attachment filename they can be viewed.
Puzzles originally posted after mid-September 2010 have lost their pictures, so they are the ones which need to be fixed, if possible.
Let's see!
als15: no, images will not disappear from the bulk. That is a burden, which I currently don't have the solution to. But there will be no duplicates.
Tom_I: yes, it's a sort-of relief.
Faksta: I don't know how to order topics chronologically, but it does not matter (I just looked at a couple of pictures)
Our next task is to display the pre-2010 images and to make the matches which you do visible
Welcome back everybody!
I noticed nobody had yet thanked "pnegyesi" for all the work he has put in to get AP back on track. Salutations! As the saying goes - s**t happens. Let's all work together to get things back to normal.
(I'd like to thank Allan Lupton for his help in letting me know as things progressed - I had contacted him through the PM board of another forum.)
I'm sorry to say that the images of my solved puzzles have been deleted from my desktop files - it's my habit to do that, and this time it's backfired on me.
First of all: thank you, Pal and Karoly!
I“ll try to contribute whatever I can. I have saved almost all my solved puzzle photos in a special file. But I changed their names to the original, so I cannot really match them by an ID like grob#01, #02 etc.
So this will be hard work.
I am not sure if I really understood how to match the saved photos with the puzzles, but I“ll try.
Let“s do it, guys!
Hi all I'm very glad that Autopuzzles is back autopuzzles again. Sorry but I've been on vacation last week and when I left my home I did not know what was going on, now I know and I'm wasted, so many years of work almost lost. Now there is a big job ahead to rebuild Autopuzzles unfortunately I know nothing about computers but I will try to help as much as I can.
I think I can hang pictures again of my unsolved puzzles, but do not really understand the process to recover my old puzzles. If if possible to get thumbs for the pictures it would be much easier and maybe It could be possible help others to restore their puzzles.
Of course thanks to all of you who have kept the forum all these years and especially to those who are working so hard these days to recover Autopuzzles. :applause: :applause:
For years I've been saying how wonderful it is that we can post pictures here directly, whereas most other places require you to have a web address to quote.
Now, of course, it's the photos not posted here that we can see and it's going to be hard work to recover the rest.
Doing what we can may help us get over the withdrawal symptoms which were beginning to bite.
Is all the work that has to be done by Pal and Karoly being paid for, and if so by whom? A few years ago Charlie (Ultra) passed the hat round for donations and I think it may be time for that to happen again.
Thanks a lot for bringing back AP!!! :hail:
I will check all my previews puzzles and posts as soon as possible...
For example I have found this photos I posted in two Carnut“s solved puzzles how can they be atached to the puzzle?
79437_1f8298009da1e90e252b4ba4c2884123093bd99d.jpeg in NEH 3581 Crawford Wolseley 6/90 Special at Bathurst 1956; or an MG special?
79424_972bf3a52980fa11bc4f3b48f7a9ce3d31e09363.jpeg NEH 3613 Autodesk Rallier Roadster blt by TechShop San Francisco using 123D computer softw
For example I have found this photos I posted in two Carnut“s solved puzzles how can they be atached to the puzzle?
79437_1f8298009da1e90e252b4ba4c2884123093bd99d.jpeg in NEH 3581 Crawford Wolseley 6/90 Special at Bathurst 1956; or an MG special?
79424_972bf3a52980fa11bc4f3b48f7a9ce3d31e09363.jpeg NEH 3613 Autodesk Rallier Roadster blt by TechShop San Francisco using 123D computer softw
NEH 3581 is this one:
Your comment was this:;msg=336168;topic=28692.0
So the picture ID is: 79437_1f8298009da1e90e252b4ba4c2884123093bd99d.jpeg
The optional message ID is: 336168
NEH 3613:
I can't decide which comment you posted the photo. Either this one:;msg=336038;topic=28678.0
picture ID is: 79424_972bf3a52980fa11bc4f3b48f7a9ce3d31e09363.jpeg
Optional message ID is: 336171
Is this clear?
Sorry I dont know how to find the the forum ID number is ... (for example NEH 3581 = 28692) and the message ID... (336168) where can I found this numbers?
forum ID number
I used Google: NEH 3581
and it gave me the link. The link is:
looked the end of the URL - forum ID number is 28692
Inside there is reply no3 from you. If you click on modify you get this;msg=336037;topic=28692.0
msg=336037 - so the message ID is 336037
I hope this is clear now
Is all the work that has to be done by Pal and Karoly being paid for,
I wanted to mention this later. Now, we are not paid. And the reason it took so long to get our site back is we can't pay my brother. Once he was flown to Munich (from Vancouver), put in a 5-star hotel, all expenses paid for a 2-day job. It's because of me, he does a few things for us in his free time. Therefore I wanted to suggest that we discuss the possibility of finding a system administrator. But more on that tomorrow.
forum ID number
I used Google: NEH 3581
and it gave me the link. The link is:
looked the end of the URL - forum ID number is 28692
Inside there is reply no3 from you. If you click on modify you get this;msg=336037;topic=28692.0
msg=336037 - so the message ID is 336037
I hope this is clear now
I thinks so i will try and We can see what happens. ;)
Two questions - can you pull the creation date from the image files - that should point out when the images were posted.
Second I am sure others will agree to this - open up a paypal account for donations to help auto puzzles keep running. Even if people only donate £10 or similar it will help to build a fund to protect against things going wrong again.
Many thanks to Pal and Karoly (and all others involved) for their hard work bringing back Autopuzzles, must have been quite a nightmare ! I will try to upload my pics asap.
Many, many thanks to Pal and Karoly for rescuing this site.
I'm on vacation right now, so no picture recreation help from me before September, sorry.
My Thanks also to all who are involved in trying to get the site back up and running.
I have no unsolved puzzles and I am not at all good with working my way through complicated computer instructions so I will not try to "reboot" my old solved puzzles.
However, I have perhaps a dozen new ones that I would like to post as a sort of like the "Phoenix Rising From The Ashes" comment I made on Facebook and if Pal or someone can tell us when we are able to post new puzzles I will get right on it.
Regarding contributions to the site, I had some very bad experiences with PayPal in my business a few years ago and prefer to not use that method. I do want to make a contribution. If any of you have a business or such that accepts MasterCard or Visa, I would be glad to make a payment to that account that you can then forward via PayPal if you use that service.
My thanks again to all who have been a part of making this an exciting and challenging site.
Alright, I've identified my last 4 puzzle pictures and filled the guess form. I've re-uploaded the others because it would have been too much of a hassle to find them among the orphan pictures.
If if possible to get thumbs for the pictures it would be much easier and maybe It could be possible help others to restore their puzzles.
From a technical point of view it wouldn't be difficult to display thumbnails in the "hex_list" page, but as there are no less than 56 000 orphan pictures some kind of paging system would be required, otherwise it would take ages to load the page and it would overload the server.
I have taken the first 500 pictures from the index list and coverted them to image files.
Use the links below to get a preview of the images each page contains roughly 100 images so it may take a while to load.
It looks like the list has been compiled with the newest ones first - I can do some more if people want it. The images are directly linked here so all I am hosting is the html files. ( ( ( ( (
The next file to be done this way is 78928_b361d9aa3c8015d95ab9bd16b3060141a6852d6c.jpeg
It looks like the list has been compiled with the newest ones first - I can do some more if people want it. The images are directly linked here so all I am hosting is the html files.
Indeed. So I really wonder if there is not any trick to make an authomatic chronological connection between the pictures and the messages. I don't know how... but IT guys perhaps could?
And, btw, I totally agree upon the fact that the huge help Pal and Karoly are providing should somehow be paid.
Thanks to Pal & Karoly for all the efforts. There was an account to contribute, but I can't find it anymore.
Today I“ve uploaded ca. 400 photos again, that I have saved on my HDD.
It took me 8 hours after work - now it“s 1:30 here and I gotta go to bed.
Exhausted, but happy.
I hope this wasn“t contraproductive and others might recreate the same photos afterwards by handling with the thumbs...
But I want that AutoPuzzles will rise again!
Carry on guys.
Is the same effect that to make correspond the 3 numbers and directly to download one photos (it's easier to download ! ;) ) ?
Oh my... :'(
The library of Alexandria has burned down again.
Rebuilding the original puzzle pictures may not be the hardest part (still have them all listed from #1 to .. most recent), but all of those not commented footnote pictures, "help" pics, links to image upload websites or cross references will be a real nightmare to recreate. Secondly the puzzles of each member aren't listed in order, so you even have to search for particular puzzles as well.
I guess the easiest way to start is to open one's topic and upload puzzle pics again from PC's folder rather than matching chaotic filenames ... (if this currently doesn't work, please let me know! I'm an IT illiterate)
I don't have the time to start the job now, but within the next three-four days..
We are back!
Thanks to all of you who worked the it's our turn!
I have 99.9% of all my puzzles ready (the missing ones are the pics I had to change-resize-blurry etc) to be uploaded again...I have a good memory when it comes to solved puzzles and should be able to connect missing pics of old puzzles will be a game in the game!
Just a question...I see that the list of pics to match still starts with 79492_4a07e07cd966509aabd6be2d8fb73d5431edf026.png
from the Maureand puzzle.
I read it takes few days for the list to update but what happens if I try again to match them?
Is there a way to avoid to work all of us on the 1st 100 pics simultaneously?
I'm starting from pic 50000 backwards to avoid that.
Once the file is matched, it immediately disappears from the list, so no risk to work in 2 on the same one..
What takes a few days (actually, I matched some, but nothing happened so far) is to see the result, to have the image back in the puzzle.
Another point is: being the guess open to eveybody, how can we be sure that the match will be correct? So, please, do it only if you are really sure! And be careful in entrying the data in the fields. Once registred, the match cannot be corrected.
The list currently starts from 79490. It now automatically updates once a match is done.
As for the creation date of the images. Yes, we have them. It would make the list even bigger.
However there is another list, but it is not updating automatically yet:
This features the first 1400 pictures with thumbnails - similar to Giles Cooper's initiative (thanks for that). Maybe I will add the dates to this list
Next up: system admin:
If anyone has a friend with php expertise, who can occasionally help us with small tasks, please let us know. SMF (the forum which underpins AP) is a wonderful system if properly managed.
Thanks for your kind thoughts on PayPal and other support ideas. We'll think about that later.
SACO: Unfortunately I do not understand your questionn.
Other stuff:
My brother promised to do some additional work on making the matched pictures visible by tonight or tomorrow morning.
Oh, and before I forget: I restored access to karma. You can now add/deduct points again!
Another question: some of us are uploading pics from their databases and those pics won't disappear from the list.
I read Grob restored many of his puzzles and we are going to find them in that list if he took them again from his archive.
Once we verified the puzzle pic has been replaced, is there a way to send the picture from that list somewhere (a sort of fake page) to make it disappear?
SACO's question means : does using the guess form or uploading manually the photos has the same result ?
PJ: I am matching those images now so those will disappear from the list
oko94: thanks for clarification.
A little explanation is due here.
We have a forum with over 28850 topics (puzzle cars, image pages etc.)
We have a picture database of over 70,000 pictures.
The forum and the pictures were archived properly.
There was an SQL database where the connection between the photos and the topics were stored. This database was not archived properly and disappeared.
If you match existing pictures you take one picture from the database and make it disappear from the list.
If you re-upload your pictures you add one or more pictures to the database (on top of the existing pool) and store the connection in the database. This picture will not appear on the list.
Therefore, though you see the same result by matching and by re-uploading, these two things are totally different.
Yes...but what I meant was:
if I upload again my pics, they won't disappear from the list but the puzzle will be fixed as well, got it.
If I stumble upon one of the pics I already uploaded while browsing the list, I know there's no need to match it again and I can pass to the following one but, can I send it somewhere, for example matching that pic to a page were we collect them just to make them disappear from the list?
You said you did it, but there's a way we can do it as well to help you?
Match it with the appropriate topic/message. We'll filter for duplicates later.
It is a bit of extra work, but there is no quicker solution yet
I think there is a solution. Let's crearte - as suggested by PJ - a fake topic "duplicate pictures" and match all the orphan ones we discover to have been already re-uploeaded.
I already did with all my puzzles, but looking at the list of course I find the original pictures, so I'll match them with a single topic, to be deleted.
Topic 28866 made for that purpose. I'm trying to match here all my pictures no longer needed (beacuse I already re-uploaded them all). So they disappear and shorten the - already too huge - orphan list.
Topic 28866 made for that purpose. I'm trying to match here all my pictures no longer needed (beacuse I already re-uploaded them all). So they disappear and shorten the - already too huge - orphan list.
That was exactly what I had in mind...thank you!
Here's a little aid:
79434 and higher: 9 August
79419-79433: 8 August
79378-79418: 7 August
79363-79377: 6 August
79342-79362: 5 August
79303-79341: 4 August
79275-79302: 3 August
79271-79274: 2 August
79254-79270: 1 August
79210-79253: 31 July
79183-79209: 30 July
79169-79182: 29 July
79158-79168: 28 July
79133-79157: 27 July
79122-79129: 26 July
79107-79121: 25 July
to be continued
Sorry Pal if I insist, but there isn't a way to create a SW that reads not only the day, but also the exact time of each pciture and looks for a message posted exactly at the same time?
I still consider almost impossible - even if very sad - to manually reconnect every picture, mainly the several ones posted as comment to puzzles or in other topics. :'(
It is not impossible. I just made a very exciting discovery. We are so lucky (though there is much work to be done)
You are so right with the exact date of the image. Do you see the little clip image next to reply46 (see pic attached)? It shows that there was an image attached to the message. Though the image is no longer visible, we have the exact date when this particular image was posted.
So here's my suggestion. We'll break down the task. There's the master list (hex_list.htm) Instead of all the 56,000 coded images, I will post just the last 500 with the exact dates -it will take a couple hours though. Research will be easier and quicker I believe. Once the 500 is done, we'll move to the next 500 and so on
What do you think?
Sounds good and will help (even more if there is a way to have the messages listed chronologically as well).
But I'm looking for an automatic system: I'm sure your brother can create one. ;)
For instance, we know (example above) that a message has been posted on August 9th 2014 at 04:48:58 with an attached picture. The picture must be in the orphan list. Isn't possible to create an automatic routine that checks the orphan pictures looking for one uploaded at the same time and, when found, matches it with the post?
Maybe is a tough task to write that software, but with big quantities of data a system is always more reliable than human beings.
I'm so lost with this numbers thing. May I re-uploaded manually?
Sounds good and will help (even more if there is a way to have the messages listed chronologically as well).
But I'm looking for an automatic system: I'm sure your brother can create one. ;)
For instance, we know (example above) that a message has been posted on August 9th 2014 at 04:48:58 with an attached picture. The picture must be in the orphan list. Isn't possible to create an automatic routine that checks the orphan pictures looking for one uploaded at the same time and, when found, matches it with the post?
Maybe is a tough task to write that software, but with big quantities of data a system is always more reliable than human beings.
I think it's the right approach, if practicable.
Pal, you wrote you'll be able to post just the last 500 pics with the exact dates, so it is possible to have those info about the pics.
Now, is there a way to look for messages through the forum using the same info?
If we know that a pic was uploaded for example the 1st of August at 12.00, Is there a (fast) way to look into the forum and look for all the topic posted the 1st of August around that time?
If that will be possible, next step would be to have a program doing that.
I second als15's idea. 56 000 orphan pictures to deal with is too big a task to be done manually. If 200 pictures are matched everyday by human volunteers (and I think it's an optimistic estimate), it will take more or less 9 months to solve it all. People will get fed up (or mad) way before that. And I'm not even taking in account the unavoidable human errors.
An automatic matching software would, at most, take a few days to be written and tested. It won't probably be able to solve all possible cases (there will be issues with non-matching dates and times, deleted posts and topics and so on) but I reckon it could probably match 90% of the pictures. Then the rest will have to be manually matched but 5 600 is far more palatable than 56 000.
I'm so lost with this numbers thing. May I re-uploaded manually?
Yes you can!
The numbers thing is not so complicated once you try it...I know because if I've been able to understand it, there won't be problems for almost everyone.
A good suggestion is to use that system only if/when you are sure about the match or the pic will disappear from the list and will be placed in the wrong place.
Uploading again is fast & safe.
Can we award points for solved puzzles yet?
Rebuilding the original puzzle pictures may not be the hardest part (still have them all listed from #1 to .. most recent), but all of those not commented footnote pictures, "help" pics, links to image upload websites or cross references will be a real nightmare to recreate. Secondly the puzzles of each member aren't listed in order, so you even have to search for particular puzzles as well.
I guess the easiest way to start is to open one's topic and upload puzzle pics again from PC's folder rather than matching chaotic filenames ...
I agree with that. It's very sad.
By checking "show own posts" on my profile page I can maybe separate my own puzzles from all my other posts. I tried this and uploaded again a picture for my puzzle N°4. I don't know how many pictures I still have on my HD, and it maybe time consuming, but I will add more when I have time. But, alas, the group puzzles will be impossible to revive.
The other thing that's really, really sad, is the "Featured imagery" section. Puzzling may be fun, but some guys (and mostly Otto), had started to build there an invaluable library of XXth century automotive imagery. I only had uploaded maybe 5% of it.
To me this is the main loss.
...but nothing seems to be lost...there's only to match an incredible amound of pics.
The ones we all remember wil be easily found and fixed...if there will be pics nobody will be able to locate, probably they won't be that important.
It's a sad thing what happened, but fortunately we are not done with AP and we can restore almost everything...
I've just tried my first one - by chance I saw one of my own images, which I had posted on someone else's puzzle, and I've used the system to attempt to get it back on its "solved" file.
Let's see if it's there in 2 days' time.
What larks!
If there's some of them that can't be located we can search in the list that be reduced everyday and this unlocated pictures would be left for last. Theorically
Can we award points for solved puzzles yet?
As for matching images, please wait 'til I talk to my brother.
I've re-posted the missing pictures in my own puzzles, but it's a small drop in a very large ocean. I'm happy to do what I can with other images, but it will be a long journey.
I can see that a lot of the missing pictures belong in the "Featured Imagery" section, as Ray B has already mentioned a few posts back. Some people have posted hundreds of photos there, mostly with no comments or identification. Getting them back into the right posts would probably be impossible, but just putting them back into the correct threads would be good enough. I'm not at all sure what the best approach to this would be. I can probably sort out my own posts, but again it's a tiny proportion of the whole. Maybe we should concentrate on the puzzle threads to start with.
There has been a post on the Experts from a relative newcomer asking where the images have gone, which has been well answered by another member. The puzzle is one of "carnut"s - he has been noticeably absent, and I reckon he's on holiday, and couldn't let us know because of the site crashing.I hope so anyway - I really hope it's nothing more serious.
Like Tom_I , I have completed reposting images for my own puzzles, and in due course I hope to trace the images for my solved puzzles. The task of tracing the images for other sections would appear to be Herculean in size - maybe it will be necessary to forget it for the time being. I think we're getting somewhere at the moment, much faster than I personally anticipated.
In the last few hours 47,000 images have been matched. The method worked.
So please stop matching for now
Next stop: making the pictures visible and eliminating duplicates
Great news ! The Negyesi brothers rule :)
A possible difficulty with automatic mathing that I can assume would be the situation when two different forum members post their puzzles at exactly the same time. I doubt we never had that. How would the automatic matching act then? Could there be the situation when the artificial intelligence would put the pictures to the wrong messages dated the same moment?
P.S. I have reuploaded the pictures for all the puzzles I've found on my hard drive so far. The rest are to be found in my files yet, sadly, but I suppose I know where the majority of the left ones resides. I hope.
Please don't re-upload any more pictures. A script is now in operation matching pictures and topics. Close to 47,000 pictures will reapper in a couple hours' time
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Well done! I was sure you were able to invent that system!
Fixing the few wrong ones will be much easier than reconnectin all the pictures.
Those who were worried that image galleries will disappear, please check this thread (one of the first ones to be restored):
I was willing to do my part, one at a time maybe, but this matching business was way over my skills and understanding.
I'm amazed !
Now, we have a lot of duplicities. Please don't do anything just yet.
Otherwise, you can check the results of the script :)
Looks like everything (?) is back now? :buttkiss:
Now, we have a lot of duplicities. Please don't do anything just yet.
Otherwise, you can check the results of the script :)
Many grateful thanks to everyone for their hard work. It's been like living in a black hole without AP.
(BTW one of my images in the "Advertising Automobiles" feature didn't appear! ;D I'll see if I can find it and do the necessary transfer)
Yesterday I manually uploaded many photos but I see now that there are double pics in my posts. I just read Pal's comment and stop uploading now until further notice. Glad to see that 'Operation Recovery' was successful !!
Just today my HD is on strike! >:(
Do I get it right that there's a routine going on that reconnects the old pics automatically?
Yes, about 46,000 pictures have been reconnected. There are some duplicities and there are some errors. But the majority of the images are now okay.
Please don't re-upload images. The matching function has also been stopped.
If possible, please don't upload new puzzles until further notice.
The other thing that's really, really sad, is the "Featured imagery" section. Puzzling may be fun, but some guys (and mostly Otto), had started to build there an invaluable library of XXth century automotive imagery. I only had uploaded maybe 5% of it.
To me this is the main loss.
Thanks, Ray. If they had been lost here, I do have the pictures I've been posting cataloged on my system at home. I started the task of re-uploading yesterday, but have stopped, with these latest developments. The motorcycle and Joe's thread now have a lot of duplicate pics, but that's easy enough to weed out.
Unfortunately, the system's re-naming of the pics has wiped out my often witty and urbane captions. ;)
Unfortunately, the system's re-naming of the pics has wiped out my often witty and urbane captions. ;)
Oh, well, nothing is perfect. But I am so relieved that most of the pictures are back.
If you can hold on for just 1 or 2 more days, then we will also try to sort out duplicities. What is even more important and I can't stress that enough, please don't upload any new puzzles and for that matter, any new photos until further notice. Thanks
Roger that.
I'm happy to weed out duplicates of my own pics.
Unfortunately, the system's re-naming of the pics has wiped out my often witty and urbane captions. ;)
Oh, well, nothing is perfect. But I am so relieved that most of the pictures are back.
If you can hold on for just 1 or 2 more days, then we will also try to sort out duplicities. What is even more important and I can't stress that enough, please don't upload any new puzzles and for that matter, any new photos until further notice. Thanks
Sorry - I got a bit excited yesterday and posted some new puzzles. I will hold back now until you give the go-ahead.
Pal: again thank you so much for your (and your brother's) efforts! :applause: :applause: :applause:
If you can hold on for just 1 or 2 more days, then we will also try to sort out duplicities. What is even more important and I can't stress that enough, please don't upload any new puzzles and for that matter, any new photos until further notice. Thanks
I suggest that you post this warning as a sticky topic in each puzzle sub-forum, not every user reads this thread before posting.
A Herculean effort by Karoly and Pal. I don't have words to express my gratitude.
Is it OK to weed out duplicate images in our puzzles? Or will that mess up the matching process?
Should we report errors here, or ignore them? Image 27b3d32c59b7d2c28b4a3076a8ed40b2f7c3dffe.jpg was incorrectly attached to one of my puzzles.
Is it OK to weed out duplicate images in our puzzles? Or will that mess up the matching process?
Should we report errors here, or ignore them? Image 27b3d32c59b7d2c28b4a3076a8ed40b2f7c3dffe.jpg was incorrectly attached to one of my puzzles.
Please don't weed yet. Thanks
Oh..I have deleted several of my duplicates earlier today already :bag:
Oh..I have deleted several of my duplicates earlier today already :bag:
It is not a problem (hopefully). Are the remaining pictures visible?
Yes, I have deleted only those I have uploaded yesterday, in just about 5-6 topics.
A Herculean effort by Karoly and Pal. I don't have words to express my gratitude.
Thanks :applause: :applause: :applause:
Pal: again thank you so much for your (and your brother's) efforts! :applause: :applause: :applause:
I certainly agree with that!
I also agree with Otto in that in my group puzzles the photo names were used as the only reference numbers, so the system number withdraws that help.
What also puzzles me is that when we uploaded a picture its name had to be unique within the site and we got an error message if it was not. It seems that the system now knows the images by totally different names, but has all trace of our original names been discarded?
What also puzzles me is that when we uploaded a picture its name had to be unique within the site and we got an error message if it was not. It seems that the system now knows the images by totally different names, but has all trace of our original names been discarded?
"Original names" were just character strings stored in the database. Pictures were given an ID followed by a random character string - so at the end there were two columns for picture names: "original name" and stored name. Unfortunately the connections between a certain message (or topic) and the picture names were lost. Therefore the attribute "original name" also disappeared.
What we did earlier today is really simple. We took the creation time of a message made a tolerance of 35 seconds and looked for images made at the same time. It is a bit crude, but worked - in 46,500 cases :)
Next up, when my bro will have time again, we'll do something with duplicities and we also need to do an internal adjustment so we can start adding pictures and puzzles again without causing any more confusion
If you see a picture appearing in a message/topic where it should not be, please do one of the following:
- send me a link to the topic
- if you have permission modify the message and uncheck the attachment, so it will not be visible
Wow - I just logged in at a hotel in France where I'm on holiday and I can't believe how much has been going on in my absence.
I'm not back until next Monday 25/08 so am not in a position to do anything until then..
Looking forward to knuckling down and doing what I can with my puzzles if it's necessary.
What a job the Negyesi brothers have done! More than slap on the back is deserved..
What a tremendous amf frustrating job ! I Wonder how a malware could do such a disaster ub the database. Congratulations for your eggicacity. I'm so happy to find the puzzles again
Take plenty of rest !
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Rest is out of the question as my 3-year-old daughter decided not to sleep tonight, so we are up since 1:30 AM
It was not a malware. It was a simple hardware error combined with a lack of a proper database backup.
And you can now upload puzzles and pictures again
A very hearty Thank You to both of you for all your work. :applause: :drink:
Gosh; I've been away from AP for a few months due to the pressures of work and a very ill member of the family, so shocked to return and see the problems that the site has been experiencing recently.
Very well done to Pal and your brother for all of your hard work and bringing AP back to good health. :hail:
Excellent work Pal & Co.!
What happened to the list of pics? There are still some missing pics here and there.
I'm deleting double pics from puzzles and fixing the very few errors I found so far...can other members post here links to topics where they found errors they can't fix and we'll try as admins?
Excellent work Pal & Co.!
What happened to the list of pics? There are still some missing pics here and there.
I'm deleting double pics from puzzles and fixing the very few errors I found so far...can other members post here links to topics where they found errors they can't fix and we'll try as admins?
I would not delete duplicates if I were you. Two members reported errors when they deleted duplicates. We are just working on the duplicates problem.
And in the meantime we try to find a fix for the missing pictures. As I said, it will be slow.
You can report topics, sure
Some of my puzzles still lack its pictures. I can see some of them in the hexlist you refer to in reply #40, but the links don't work. Unfortunately, I usually don't keep all of my puzzle pics, so is there a way to set up a directory with those still orphanized pictures?
yes, it will happen once my brother will have a little time. Thanks for your patience
For the past 3 or 4 days the small puzzle photos in the sidebar have been very slow in appearing. Is this my laptop, or are other members having this problem? It means having to wait a few seconds before I can select a puzzle to view.
Hi Andy:
FWIW, I have noticed that the first time a photo appears on a new posting on all threads, it takes one to two seconds to load.
Once it has been loaded, it seems to come up fine even when it goes back to the top of the thread later when someone posts a response to the puzzle.
Thanks. So it wasn't, after all, those sites that cause viruses that I shouldn't be looking at ;D
There's still a lot of missing pictures - actually those are not missing, but stored on the server under names like 42981_e32fe2a388e1f79d44bf829ec666d66eb1075580
which makes pairing very difficult.
Thanks for everyone who took the trouble of re-uploading the pictures. I really have zero free time these days, but I try to help in very small ways.
You already did a great job putting AP back together! :thumbsup:
You already did a great job putting AP back together! :thumbsup:
Yes!! We all owe the brothers a huge debt of gratitude. I think a few missing images are a small price to pay.
The way restored the site was to match images and post dates with a bit of time tolerance. That is the reason why a few pictures appear mysteriously in wrong places.
However we were not able to restore puzzle pictures where:
- pictures were stored in-line and not as an attachment
- the post date was later modified (edited)
There is also a very strange error, which I will mention to my brother. There are hundreds of images which are still attached to the relevant post but are not showing. If you download-upload the pictures, they appear again.
There is also a very strange error, which I will mention to my brother. There are hundreds of images which are still attached to the relevant post but are not showing. If you download-upload the pictures, they appear again.
Yes, I've found very many of these.
I save the picture which does open in Photo Viewer then re-upload it and hey presto! it appears again as a thumbnail.
I've done this with a large number of puzzles but I don't put any comment in that I've done it so the thread remains in its location, which might be on page 55 or wherever, so no-one ever notices!
There is also a very strange error, which I will mention to my brother. There are hundreds of images which are still attached to the relevant post but are not showing. If you download-upload the pictures, they appear again.
Yes, I've found very many of these.
I save the picture which does open in Photo Viewer then re-upload it and hey presto! it appears again as a thumbnail.
I've done this with a large number of puzzles but I don't put any comment in that I've done it so the thread remains in its location, which might be on page 55 or wherever, so no-one ever notices!
Ditto, I've recovered all images so they are attached and visible again on all posts I could find of mine. This would be a lot easier - for searching other people's posts as well - if we were able to search an individual's created threads, not just posts. I understand this might not be the correct thread to pose this as a suggestion in, but might this be a possible implementation in the future?
.... but I don't put any comment in that I've done it so the thread remains in its location, which might be on page 55 or wherever, so no-one ever notices!
I guess I was not mindful of the impact to the Autopzzles continuum when I added a note. Most of those I corrected last week were done sans comment.
.... but I don't put any comment in that I've done it so the thread remains in its location, which might be on page 55 or wherever, so no-one ever notices!
I guess I was not mindful of the impact to the Autopzzles continuum when I added a note. Most of those I corrected last week were done sans comment.
And I believe that's the correct method.
Yep - got it.
To all members: tomorrow at around 8 AM CET (+1 hour compared to British time) AutoPuzzles will be moved to a new server. It is possible that AP will not be reachable for a short period of time.
To all members: tomorrow at around 8 AM CET (+1 hour compared to British time) AutoPuzzles will be moved to a new server. It is possible that AP will not be reachable for a short period of time.
Hope you've got a back-up copy of everything!
Right now doing regular backup is a bit difficult. The reason for the move is to make this process fully automated. Here's what's going to happen. The move has been postponed by a few hours. Later today (it's 8:30 AM CET) AP will disappear. We'll try to do it quickly. Then we ask Ultra to do his thing. When he does his thing, AP will come back :)
And after an almost six-month delay, the move is about to happen.
Please take note and be advised that on Saturday, 21 November AutoPuzzles will disappear for a few hours. We will shut the site down at 6 PM Pacific Time which is night-time in Europe. It will take around 3-4 hours for the changes to take effect.
Cool news! I am looking forward to it! :) :thumbsup:
The move has been postponed by 24 hours to Sunday. Sorry
The site was moved a week ago. I don't want to go into details or point fingers why it has disappeared for a week. But now it's back and I am not yapping at my very tired and exasperated brother's feet.
This past few days illustrated some organisational weaknesses which I would like to address in the near future.
Glad to see the site back, at some point I thought it was gone for good !
Thanks for all your hard work!!
very happy to see autopuzzles back,thanks for your hard work!
Yes, thanks to all concerned for keeping this site going to serve our addiction.
The cat will no longer be kicked.......
Thanks for continuing the life of this site
Great work getting the site back up & running. Is there a reason why the puzzle orders (Rookie, Expert, Professional, Solved) are scrambled?
Well done to the Negyesi brothers!
Good question from fyreline; can that be sorted?
The long delay was my fault. I made an error on the forwarding of the domain. My apologies. Apparently, some got pissed that I might deign to make an error...
Que Sera Sera.
Thank you so much! :applause:
Just back from a long overseas trip, so delighted to see that AP is back up and running. Well done all. Sadly all of my notifications seem to have been disabled though, so it looks like no points for me for a while...
Notificiations are on, but those are not delivered, apparently we need to fix that
Great work getting the site back up & running. Is there a reason why the puzzle orders (Rookie, Expert, Professional, Solved) are scrambled?
Is there any way of sorting this?
The current order on the home-page but particularly in the drop-down list is confusing, with the old year-by-year solvings appearing under the Professional heading rather than Solved.
It's on the to-do list. Please be patient as my brother is travelling. Thanks
Only a minor problem ,not sure where to put it , hope it's ok here.
Not getting topic reply or message email notifications for a few weeks, not in spam either. Have tried unnotifying & then notifying again , logging in /out etc....just wondered anyone any ideas ?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Think it's in hand as we're all suffering from this. Should be fixed in due time but Pal will maybe keep us posted?
Notifications - it should've been fixed. We thought it's been fixed, but obviously it hasn't. My brother is travelling this week, but on Saturday he'll focus a bit on our problems.
Notifications should really work now
I just got a notification about this post so looks like it is working for me!
Notifications are now sent via gmail so hopefully this will be a permanent and solid solution. Adding to your contacts will make it even more likely the notification won't land in spam.
Notifications should really work now
Yes, mine work again.
Well done!
A huge THANK YOU to you guys for fixing the puzzle order listings. No, it wasn't a huge deal, but it was annoying to those of us OCD-afflicted puzzlers and now we are once again at peace with the world. Well done all.
A huge THANK YOU to you guys for fixing the puzzle order listings. No, it wasn't a huge deal, but it was annoying to those of us OCD-afflicted puzzlers and now we are once again at peace with the world. Well done all.
Yes, it's great to have the order back on the Home page.
But it's still not right in the drop-down menu at the bottom right of threads, where you navigate around to different boards.
Any chance of it being fixed there too?!
Yes, there is a chance. A slim one, but there is one :)
... as well as the drop-down menu you get when you move a topic. Perhaps the same source?
Sorry for the short interruption earlier today. According to my brother a safety upgrade "slightly got out of hand". Everything is back to normal now.
AutoPuzzles will be stopped for maintenance tomorrow around 7 PM CET (around 6 PM UK time, 1 PM EST etc.). If everything goes smoothly it will be just an hour or so.
I've been revisiting the Solved Section, year per year, searching for an old puzzle car. And there's a lot of puzzles without the original (head) picture. It would be nice to re-post them. I know it's a hard work to do, but everyone could help. has had become a reference, because of the photos and pictures despite the info on every car. So, I think this site deserves this hard work.
Anyway, thanks to all that are involved into this.
I've been revisiting the Solved Section, year per year, searching for an old puzzle car. And there's a lot of puzzles without the original (head) picture. It would be nice to re-post them. I know it's a hard work to do, but everyone could help. has had become a reference, because of the photos and pictures despite the info on every car. So, I think this site deserves this hard work.
Anyway, thanks to all that are involved into this.
I definetly agree.
I restored many of them, and other members did the same too.
Please, keep pointing out the ones who need the pictures back and we'll try to fix them all.
Thank you, but I didn't mean an specific puzzle but generally, Maybe if asking the puzzlers to contribute could it be easier
Back before we had thumbnails in the indexes, I started collecting all of the solved puzzles, and cataloging them, with pictures, for a now abandoned 'solved puzzles index with thumbnails' thread. I have about 2,000 of them left that I have not reloaded. I'll try to set aside some time each weekend to upload more.
OK - 2006 is done (easy, as most of the puzzles were my own). I'll keep going on subsequent years.
Thank You!! :D
Thanks to Pal for restoring the site again after yesterday's crash. I thought we'd got a repeat of 2014's disaster!
actually it was the database server which crashed. I was very busy with a classic car meeting, my brother was out of town - that's whyt it took so long to get it up and running again. Sorry
Was there a general problem about an hour ago or was it just that I was singled out to be "banned from the Forum" at that time?
All seems normal now, but I see a couple of interlopers including one who has managed to start a thread with a post, but whose post count is still zero.
Was there a general problem about an hour ago or was it just that I was singled out to be "banned from the Forum" at that time?
All seems normal now, but I see a couple of interlopers including one who has managed to start a thread with a post, but whose post count is still zero.
It's all sorted now. Someone chanced his arm and banned several members, he somehow managed to infiltrate the admin files.
Funnily enough, Carnut and I recently discussed the fact that we still have no admin expert to deal with this sort of thing, and maybe enhance our security.
We are back! I don't know about everybody else, but both myself and carnut were unable to connect with the site today. Everything seems to be back to normal.
If anybody took action to sort out the problem, thank you.
It's back! Thanks to Paul Jaray, and who else is involved.
Yes, my brother made a small error and all the sites he's hosting were down. Sorry about that
Good morning fellow AutoPuzzle members! The site has been down for the last few hours, because of a technical error on our (maintenance) side. So sorry, will try to be more careful in the future with these things.
Thank You for getting it back,Im very grateful!
Great to have it back! Thanks to all involved in
Thanks ! I thought the site had been hacked but fortunately it was less serious than that.
Thanks ! I thought the site had been hacked but fortunately it was less serious than that.
Yes I got a message which implied some sort of security level was needed to get here but did not tell me what it should be.
My daughter now works at a largish digital marketing company and knows colleagues who are IT highbrows - they're actually web developers at her office. She thinks one of them might be interested in being a systems administrator, something we've discussed before.
It's all mumbo-jumbo to me. She says we would need admin log-ins for the back end. From what I've told her, she thinks our site is pretty well ancient in format. She needs to know what web system is being used, what log-in details and what work need doing to bring the site up to date and for the forseeable future.
If the cost is going to be only $20/30 per month (see Pal's previous thread in 2016) I reckon we could pay the guy a whole year's cover in advance by splitting it between the owners/editors.
Not sure really.
Pal's brother seems to have a good handle on it and always sorts things out when they go wrong.
Not sure I'd like to change the arrangement...
Let me bring my brother into this. He's just planning to move AP to a new server and due to a miscommunication on my part, the first step has already gone wrong (as you have already seen :)).
I was unable to connect again today for several hours. Everything is back to normal now - thanks to whoever arranged this!
The same happens to me. And thanks to bring It back!
Sorry, a small error on "our" side.
Luckily we have Pal and his brother on the job!
Thanks Pal.
Did anyone else have connection problems yesterday? I could get the front page but not the forums - message about SMF and the server. All gibberish to me.
Same here. Forum was obviously down for a few hours.
Same happens to me. I just decided to wait
Did anyone else have connection problems yesterday? I could get the front page but not the forums - message about SMF and the server. All gibberish to me.
Yes, I tried to log in late last night and got the same message. Glad to see we are back in business as usual today.
Not my IT skills then! ;D
Yes, I had the same problem so investigated.
It seems the problem was with our service provider, GoDaddy, who had gone down for some reason taking all their customers with it..
I believe they got it going again after a few hours so all was back to normal this morning.
Actually it was not GoDaddy. Sorry for the hiccup, we try to be more alert next time.
It was just me or the page was down yesterday?
It was down for most of the day for me as well, some SMF server error.
Glad to be back. Thanks Pal if you had to achieve this, and thanks to Karoly also if he was involved.
Good job Pal.
We'd all be lost without you and Karoly!
Thanks a lot!!!
It was just my brother, Karoly. Sorry for the prolonged pause though
There appears to be a problem with the site certificate. Using safari on an iPad and it comes up with an invalid certificate message.
I can click through it but it thinks the cert is untrusted?
There appears to be a problem with the site certificate. Using safari on an iPad and it comes up with an invalid certificate message.
I can click through it but it thinks the cert is untrusted?
Same for me. Got a message claiming our site is open to hacking,. Clicked through it like yourself.
It was a problem earlier today but I think Pal and his brother have managed to sort it out.
It seems to be OK now.
Thanks, Again!, for solving the problem!
It is just solved now. We apologise, both of us have very limited time these days.
It is just solved now. We apologise, both of us have very limited time these days.
No need for any apologies from yourself or Karoly. The work you both do for this site is incalculable - unpaid too!
Sorry for the slightly longer "blackout" today. The janitor (my brother) is switching continents at the moment - moving from Canada to Malta so his schedule is a bit hectic.
Sorry for the slightly longer "blackout" today. The janitor (my brother) is switching continents at the moment - moving from Canada to Malta so his schedule is a bit hectic.
No need to apologise. The work you and Karoly do for this site is much appreciated (and free :D).
Finally back on a few minutes ago!
Thanks to you and Karoly, Pal.
Good job.
Finally back on a few minutes ago!
Thanks to you and Karoly, Pal.
Good job.
It seems you pedalled hard enough to get the generator going. Glad to have you back.
Always Thank you, both!
There's an issue with the SSL certificate of the site, which has expired today :
Issuer: R3
Expires on: 18 juin 2023
Current date: 18 juin 2023"
https connection to the site is considered as dangerous by most browsers.
There's an issue with the SSL certificate of the site, which has expired today :
Issuer: R3
Expires on: 18 juin 2023
Current date: 18 juin 2023"
https connection to the site is considered as dangerous by most browsers.
Sorry about that.
No need to apologise. What you do for this site is always appreciated.
It's fixed now, thank you.
Many thanks Pal.
I assume that today's problems were the usual gremlins that attack every few months. Mine came back on about 2 hours ago.
Anyway, thanks Karoly.
Nobody else has commented, but I assume I was not alone in being unable to log-on all day yesterday? That's twice in 5 days.
Yes, It happened twice. Thanks who fixed it.
I did manage to log in yesterday but only at the third attempt and even then it was very slow to react..
Seems OK today though.
I don't know what happened the last two days, but thanks who solved it
Many thanks to Pal and Karoly.
And thanks again!
Does anyone know the reason for the quite frequent unavailability problems of our site? Anything to worry about?
I second that,is someone trying to close this site down for good?I certainly hope not.
It's a worrying thing, I wish to know why its happening so frecuently
Does anyone know the reason for the quite frequent unavailability problems of our site? Anything to worry about?
The only one who is able to get us up and running again when the site does fail is Pal's brother.
He knows that it keeps happening far too frequently and will be working on curing it. Hopefully he'll be successful but it may take a little while to sort out.
We must never forget that Pal and Karoly do all necessary admin work without any remuneration. I'm sure they're doing their very best to stop any future shutdowns but if any security measures are required which cost money then I think we need to join together to raise the funds.
There are two connecting reasons: SMF (the forum-engine of Autopuzzles) has a tendency to create logs. These logs take up server space. Eventually there's no more space - then the site collapses. Log is deleted manually and this vicious circle starts again.
And then there's the server itself. It is ancient and every software on it is so ancient that it can't be modified without crashing everything (beyond Autopuzzles there are 1-2 other sites in there).
My brother is aware of the situation, but he's quite reluctant to move AP and the other two sites to a new server as it'll sure cause problems.
Therefore we'd like to ask just a little more patience, the server will eventually be moved, the SMF log creation will be stopped.
Thanks for your understanding.
On another note: 2024 shaped up to be one of my craziest years in the last 15 years or so. Any dreams, plans, ideas to work on AP have been washed away as I can barely keep up with my daily tasks. Sorry about that.
Thanks for the information, no criticism intended at all. I don't know what we would do without you and your brother.
We absolutely appreciate your and Karoly's help and assistance with keeping the site running, Pal.
If money is needed to change things I'm sure the members will all be queueing up to chip in!
We absolutely appreciate your and Karoly's help and assistance with keeping the site running, Pal.
If money is needed to change things I'm sure the members will all be queueing up to chip in!
It is not about the money, it is mostly about the inconvenience of moving site and SMF is not a user-friendly system.
We now have a promise from my brother that the site will not collapse in the foreseeable future. Fingers are crossed
Thanks Pal.
Thank You! Pal
Well, after months and months of dragging his feet, my brother decided to finally move the server to a new location to ensure its safe and secure operation. But he's not an SMF expert and he just could not solve the problems. Eventually he hired someone to do the job for him. Would some forum members be so kind to contribute to the hopefully-not-so-high fee of EUR 70? Thanks
I can contribute with some. Please, tell me how?
I've been a member for 12 years. I don't think you and your brother have ever been paid for anything in that time. Do you have a Paypal account ? (Paypal - oh the irony).
Thank you!
Paypal is probably the best, please send your kind contributions to
I'll send 10 Euros, so if we can get 7 of us to do that it would be 70 Euros.
That's not much! Are you sure it's enough Pal?
If we have trouble raising that I'll contribute some more.
Thank you!
Paypal is probably the best, please send your kind contributions to
10 Euros on the way. Let me know if more is needed.
Thank you!
Paypal is probably the best, please send your kind contributions to
And 10 from me for this gorgeous site. ;D
I'll send 10 Euros, so if we can get 7 of us to do that it would be 70 Euros.
That's not much! Are you sure it's enough Pal?
If we have trouble raising that I'll contribute some more.
Thank you. EUR 70 is absolutely enough.
£10.00 (E 11.35) just sent.
10 Euros on the way.
Thanks for your contributions. We are at EUR 50 at the moment. I am sure other users will join soon
In the meantime, please check the test version of the new site and let me know if you see any issues
I don't want to seem stupid, but why no puzzle pictures?
Also there doesn't seem to be an Editors' thread.
I don't want to seem stupid, but why no puzzle pictures?
Also there doesn't seem to be an Editors' thread.
Because this is a test site to see whether the site works - you can click on any links, everything is visible etc.
Looks good to me at first glance.
Any more Euros arrived Pal? Only 5 people sending them doesn't seem many considering how many active members we have....
Looks good to me at first glance.
Any more Euros arrived Pal? Only 5 people sending them doesn't seem many considering how many active members we have....
Just those 5 unfortunately
I have just sent you the missing £20.
PS The only non-editor who contributed was Oguerrerob (many thanks) and it's interesting that the parties who paid were longer-serving members. You posted this information about the new server in a thread which was accessible to all members (not just editors) yet the lack of interest shown was remarkable. I'm an old man now and I get angry too easily ;D
I have just sent you the missing £20.
PS The only non-editor who contributed was Oguerrerob (many thanks) and it's interesting that the parties who paid were longer-serving members. You posted this information about the new server in a thread which was accessible to all members (not just editors) yet the lack of interest shown was remarkable. I'm an old man now and I get angry too easily ;D
Thanks for the contribution!
Well done Andy.
You put us all to shame!
It is possible of course that most people didn't spot the thread.
I'm having very slow connection this morning. My other regular forums are OK. I'm having to wait 10/20 seconds to access the site - anyone else having problems or is Karoly doing some updates or something ?
No problems here
No problems here either.
Thanks for prompt replies. My laptop is getting old, so maybe time for Amazon Black Friday !
Thanks I presume to Pal for getting us back online today. My device says our certificate ran out this morning.
I wonder what certificate that is!
I pay for our online name with GoDaddy and that doesn't expire until March, so I'd be interested to know what certificate that refers to.
I can't remember now. The notice said it expired around 8.30 this morning.
I don't know about other members, but I haven't been able to log on for a couple of days. It's OK now, but I notice there are no recent posts, so presumably everyone had problems. Anyway, thanks as usual to Pal for sorting things out.
I don't know about other members, but I haven't been able to log on for a couple of days. It's OK now, but I notice there are no recent posts, so presumably everyone had problems. Anyway, thanks as usual to Pal for sorting things out.
Couple of days? Ugh, sorry, I was travelling all week long, noticed it yesterday morning and was fixed yesterday afternoon. So sorry
No problem Pal. Thanks for fixing it; what would we do without you?!
Probably live a happy and wonderful life :)