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A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« on: January 10, 2013, 06:01:14 PM »
Greetings fellow motorheads!
I haven't formally introduced myself previously, so here goes.

Like so many others here I've been absolutely fascinated by automobile-dom since a very young age.  I've just been fortunate enough to be able to pursue those interests in my professional life as well as a chassis and suspension engineer within the wonderful US auto industry.  I own a couple of moderately-interesting American vehicles in various states of [dis]repair - such as the image in my avatar.
Naturally those puzzles that pertain to the mechanicals of vehicles are of particular interest to me.

Now that I'm posting some puzzles of my own, I've coming across a couple difficulties in the 'mechanics' per se of creating and moving my various posts.  I'm hoping that some of you more experienced in this area could shed some light on my difficulties.

1. Selecting puzzle pictures
Naturally, the more puzzles created by the puzzling population, the more difficult it becomes to find unique material for more puzzles - though in no way impossible.  Because this website seems to focus on the exterior views, I'm seeking to shed light on aspects of particular cars that may not have already been covered in puzzles - such as interior views or even more unusual perspectives on the externals.  I am searching carefully through the archive of solved puzzles to make sure my proposed pics aren't already posted though.
For the obvious sake of clarity, I see that a number of my puzzles have been merged with previously-solved puzzles showing the primary external views of a particular car.  While I understand the need to avoid reposts of the same images of the same car, are my alternative-view puzzles frowned upon as well?  Is there a way I could (or should) merge my own solved posts into the existing posts following their solution?

2. The 'Solved AutoPuzzles' Directory
Obviously I've found the directory and I'm moving my solved puzzles to that directory upon their completion.  Can someone tell me how the 'child boards' are supposed to be used?  Should I be putting my solved puzzles into one of the child boards or into the primary Solved subdirectory?

3. Solved Puzzle Mechanics
I'm admittedly struggling with the mechanics of stating that a puzzle is adequately solved, responding to the solver with appropriate pictures, awarding points, then moving the topic and changing the title.  It seems like sometimes I change the order of events slightly and I learn (much later) that my new topic title didn't show up once the topic arrived in the Solved AutoPuzzles subdirectory.  Can one of the highly-experienced folks give me a step-by-step instruction on your procedure?

4. Another Hyperlink Clarification
I've read through the various discourses in these forums on the merits and demerits of posting hyperlinks.  As I understand things, supplying a link to 'prove' that your answer is right is strictly verboten since it may likely jeopardize the integrity of other potential puzzles contained on that website.  If we are interested in sharing a particularly fascinating development story for the general populace via hyperlink, should that be done through a non-puzzle forum, or is that generally frowned upon as well?

I hope you'll see I'm not trying to ruffle feathers.  I just need a slightly better perspective on how the directors anticipate the show being run.  Thanks for your help.

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #1 on: January 11, 2013, 03:16:37 AM »
Excellent questions all. Let's take them one by one:

1. Selecting puzzle pictures
Naturally, the more puzzles created by the puzzling population, the more difficult it becomes to find unique material for more puzzles - though in no way impossible.  Because this website seems to focus on the exterior views, I'm seeking to shed light on aspects of particular cars that may not have already been covered in puzzles - such as interior views or even more unusual perspectives on the externals.  I am searching carefully through the archive of solved puzzles to make sure my proposed pics aren't already posted though.

For the obvious sake of clarity, I see that a number of my puzzles have been merged with previously-solved puzzles showing the primary external views of a particular car.  While I understand the need to avoid reposts of the same images of the same car, are my alternative-view puzzles frowned upon as well?  Is there a way I could (or should) merge my own solved posts into the existing posts following their solution?

Posting an interior (or other aspect) shot of a previously-posted exterior (or vice-versa) is no problem. If they are merged, after the fact, it is not in any way a reflection on the quality or worth of the latter puzzle. It just makes sense to keep all the Fireball X-25 (or what-have you) pictures and info together, once the puzzles are solved.

If a new puzzle is a direct re-post of a previous puzzle - say, and exterior photo of the X-25, that might differ only in color, or the angle from which the puzzle is taken, it is treated differently, and here's why: Somebody on the site already earned a point identifying what is in effect, the same thing. In some instances, Experts and Pros have earned two points, for identifying the same car twice. So, we'll let those re-posts run in the Rookie section (where an Expert or Pro can't score a point). If they are not solved in the Rookie section, they are, eventually, merged with the original puzzle, and no point awarded.

The puzzle forum is configured in such a way that only the admins can merge puzzles. If one of the admins doesn't merge your puzzle after the fact, a reminder / nudge is appreciated.

I hope this addresses the first question. Please let me know if I haven't answered you sufficiently.

Perhaps another Admin or Admins can answer # 2, 3 and 4?
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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #2 on: January 11, 2013, 07:03:21 AM »
2. The 'Solved AutoPuzzles' Directory
Obviously I've found the directory and I'm moving my solved puzzles to that directory upon their completion.  Can someone tell me how the 'child boards' are supposed to be used?  Should I be putting my solved puzzles into one of the child boards or into the primary Solved subdirectory?

OK, question 2.
First, let me say that questions are always welcome and are not regarding as being silly!
When a puzzle is Solved it should be moved only to the simple 'Solved' section (I think you already know how to do this so I won't repeat anything unnecessarily).
The Child Boards are only there to make the whole database more manageable and to help us see at a glance how old a certain puzzle might be or to make it perhaps easier to find if other methods fail.
Admins will from time to time move puzzles from the Solved section into the current relevant section, to keep the size of the Solved section reasonable.  You don't need to post solved puzzles anywhere except the main Solved board.
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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #3 on: January 11, 2013, 07:09:05 AM »

3. Solved Puzzle Mechanics
I'm admittedly struggling with the mechanics of stating that a puzzle is adequately solved, responding to the solver with appropriate pictures, awarding points, then moving the topic and changing the title.  It seems like sometimes I change the order of events slightly and I learn (much later) that my new topic title didn't show up once the topic arrived in the Solved AutoPuzzles subdirectory.  Can one of the highly-experienced folks give me a step-by-step instruction on your procedure?

The way I do it is:

1) Post a reply to the correct ID, so that it goes to the top of any section the puzzle is in and of course to confirm the corrected identification to the puzzler.  Add any extra information and/or pictures.

2) Give the solver the point using the [add] and [subtract] features beneath the puzzler's name and points tally on the left hand side; I find it important to always do this at the same stage as many times I have thought "Now, did I give him that point or did I not?"!)

3) Move Topic - click the box right in the bottom left and select 'Solved' and 'Change the Topic Subject', adding to your heading whatever you want it to say but being careful that it contains correct unique words to make that particular car easily found on a search.

4) Bob's your uncle!  It's in the Solved section, in the right place, with the right heading and the point has been awarded!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 07:15:47 AM by Carnut »
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Offline bubenator

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #4 on: January 11, 2013, 12:22:01 PM »
If a new puzzle is a direct re-post of a previous puzzle - say, and exterior photo of the X-25, that might differ only in color, or the angle from which the puzzle is taken, it is treated differently, and here's why: Somebody on the site already earned a point identifying what is in effect, the same thing. In some instances, Experts and Pros have earned two points, for identifying the same car twice. So, we'll let those re-posts run in the Rookie section (where an Expert or Pro can't score a point). If they are not solved in the Rookie section, they are, eventually, merged with the original puzzle, and no point awarded. 

Actually that summarizes things pretty well and I understand what you're after.
That being said, should we treat Solved puzzles as a 'repository' for additional pictures of the same car?  Case in point: I just recently learned about the fabulous Tatra JK 2500 concept myself - apart from this website.  I was considering creating such a puzzle, but I see that the car has already been puzzled (surprise, surprise).  The perspectives and images are certainly different from what's already there, and I think it would be useful illustrative info for other board members.  Should I post additional images at the end of the solved puzzle post, or is there another more-appropriate avenue?

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #5 on: January 11, 2013, 12:23:13 PM »
Carnut, thanks for your detailed sequence.  I'll probably be giving it a try shortly.

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #6 on: January 11, 2013, 12:37:23 PM »
That being said, should we treat Solved puzzles as a 'repository' for additional pictures of the same car?  Case in point: I just recently learned about the fabulous Tatra JK 2500 concept myself - apart from this website.  I was considering creating such a puzzle, but I see that the car has already been puzzled (surprise, surprise).  The perspectives and images are certainly different from what's already there, and I think it would be useful illustrative info for other board members.  Should I post additional images at the end of the solved puzzle post, or is there another more-appropriate avenue?
You will find that many puzzles receive additional images from time to time. When I come across nice pictures of a car puzzled here, I usually post them as addition to the original puzzle.
Another way to make use of interesting pictures of cars puzzled already is to place them (together with new ones) in a thematic group puzzle. Have a look at some of the past group puzzles and you will find many unorthodox ways to combine cars and places/persons/other cars/buildings/...
« Last Edit: January 11, 2013, 12:52:00 PM by Wendax »

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #7 on: January 11, 2013, 02:16:11 PM »
As Wendax says, additional information and photos are very regularly posted into already-solved puzzles.
Check out the child boards for each year and nearly every day you'll find new posts in puzzles solved that year.  I regularly add relevant photos (usually found when I'm looking for new puzzle subjects!)
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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #8 on: January 13, 2013, 11:37:00 AM »
OK, so Q4 as this is still unanswered.
Links are not allowed within the puzzle forums* and really you've answered your own question.
Links everywhere would quite simply compromise other puzzles as the sites will be open to view by everyone.
If you do need to prove an answer then you can always PM the link to the Poster and he can have a look at it.

All questions answered?

*Yes, I know the plural of 'forum' is 'fora' but who uses that any more?!!
« Last Edit: January 18, 2013, 07:13:49 AM by Carnut »
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Offline bubenator

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #9 on: January 17, 2013, 07:36:04 PM »
I think the primary purpose of my fourth question was to pry out your definitive answer.
No links.  No questions.

Some other avenues and message threads throughout the forum have interesting discussions, and a definitive answer was just what I was looking for.  Thank you.


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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #10 on: January 19, 2013, 04:29:55 PM »
Mr Bubenator, sir:  Thank you for posting these questions.  You're not the only one who's benefited from the answers, especially about the interior/exterior issues.

{begin tongue-in-cheek, wise-assed comment}  Norman, thank you for confirming something I've known all my life:  Bob IS my uncle.   :lmao:  I'm amazed at your ability to intuit something so obscure.   :hah:  {remove tongue from cheek, stick foot in mouth where it normally resides.}


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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #11 on: December 26, 2020, 05:06:23 AM »
Bumping an old thread with a question which I don't know where else to ask: is there a minimum of days an entry should stay in a certain section before being moved to the next level? (Rookie to Expert, for example). Thanks  :)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2020, 05:08:25 AM by 727 »

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #12 on: December 26, 2020, 05:15:54 AM »
Bumping an old thread with a question which I don't know where else to ask: is there a minimum of days an entry should stay in a certain section before being moved to the next level? (Rookie to Expert, for example). Thanks  :)

No. It's entirely the choice of the person who posts the puzzle - the puzzle always remains the property of the member who sets the puzzle. Personally I leave new stuff with the Rookies for about 3/4 weeks and then in the Experts for 6/8 weeks, because the Pros and Masters are so good they will almost certainly solve it in minutes. If you think the puzzle subject is very obscure and will prove difficult even for a Pro then there's no objection to posting straight to the Pros and missing out the lower levels.
I must be right - that's what it says on Wikipedia

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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #13 on: December 26, 2020, 07:40:11 AM »
My personal choice is to give a puzzle 2 weeks in the Rookies then a month with the Experts, but as nicanary says there is no rule about it.
It is expected that people posting puzzles will look after them though and move them up after a reasonable time.

I have a clear-up periodically when there are puzzles still in the Rookies and Experts which haven't moved for months and even years!
I 'bump' them up to remind the poster then if they are still not moved and start to move down from the top I move them on their behalf.

Good puzzling!
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Re: A Couple Questions from a New Expert
« Reply #14 on: January 23, 2021, 07:36:56 PM »
I have a clear-up periodically when there are puzzles still in the Rookies and Experts which haven't moved for months and even years!
I 'bump' them up to remind the poster then if they are still not moved and start to move down from the top I move them on their behalf.
