Author Topic: Solved: Ford GT 40 tub  (Read 3 times)

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Offline porridgehead

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Solved: Ford GT 40 tub
« on: January 08, 2015, 04:14:27 PM »
Hello Autopuzzlers,
It's been a while, but some of you might remember me, you poor unfortunate souls.
I've got a bit of a tricky one, though this group has a tendency to redefining just what is truly tricky. Still, it may be a challenge. Or not.

The only thing I know is that it made history a while ago (within past 50 years) and that it was created for a very specific purpose, one that it achieved. Beyond that, I have nothing other than some half-formed observations, a few hazy recollections, hints as-yet unexamined and woefully ill-developed thoughts. And my lunch is now cold.

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Offline Otto Puzzell

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Re: Solved: Ford GT 40 tub
« Reply #1 on: January 09, 2015, 04:42:30 AM »
Hello Autopuzzlers,
It's been a while, but some of you might remember me, you poor unfortunate souls.
I've got a bit of a tricky one, though this group has a tendency to redefining just what is truly tricky. Still, it may be a challenge. Or not.

The only thing I know is that it made history a while ago (within past 50 years) and that it was created for a very specific purpose, one that it achieved. Beyond that, I have nothing other than some half-formed observations, a few hazy recollections, hints as-yet unexamined and woefully ill-developed thoughts. And my lunch is now cold.

Long time no see - hope all is well in heck! I think that's the tub from a  Ford GT40.
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Offline porridgehead

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Re: Solved: Ford GT 40 tub
« Reply #2 on: January 09, 2015, 11:46:32 PM »
Impressive indeed. The answer certainly puts the hint into context. I probably should have known what it was but I'm a wee bit out of practice in the game of puzzling autos.

Thank you!
Measures with mics, marks with chalk, cuts with axe, beats to fit and paints to match