Since meanwhile I hardly can be familiar with the AutoPuzzles-site, I would like to ask the following questions:
1) What is this new 'The Brand-New 2025 Vehicle Identification Board'-section for? I'm not sure, but all puzzles there, could have been found previously in the 'Black-Hole-section', or am I wrong?
2) Which puzzles go there, why and when? And by whom?
3) For pointhunters: Solved puzzles of the 'Black-Hole-section' are awarded with two points (I am not sure, if I am right)? The 'Ex-Black-Hole-section-puzzles' in the 'The Brand-New 2025 Vehicle Identification Board'-section with only one point?
Thanks very much for all replies in advance. I hope they will help all other players to understand this new section too