Don't read this Paul Jaray!
Since we are in a "aw, shucks, guys..." topic, I just need to write that Paul's last serie of puzzles contains, as usual, a number of gems.
This is not just to make him blush, or in hope that he'll invite me to dinner the next time I go to Italy. I mean this is what I expect -and often but not often enough found at Autopuzzles.
Mystery pictures, pictures that set you dreaming, that leave you in awe, cars that would make you stop dead in your tracks if you met one in the streets.
Of course, they are much harder to dig up, and they've got to be really little known. Because if you've already seen them you're likely to remember where or have downloaded them. But how much more worthwhile and rewarding to pick that kind of a car for a puzzle than a car that looks, however rare, like so many other soon forgotten, boring automobiles.