As the originator of this thread, I'll be happy to give a point to anybody who can determine what the car I posted is. The only reason that I didn't post it as a puzzle is because if somebody said it was a 1972 Flaginator Belchoil II, I'd have no way of knowing if they were right.
Beyond that, errrr.... carry on the squabble gents! I've got nothing to add.
Oh wait, I actually have something add to my original post. After too much time spent, I finally decided that the original car is a modified Sebring Kit car with the canopy removed. You can even see the arms for lifting the roof if you kinda squint your eyes, tilt your head, lick your knees and hop about on all fours.
Since nobody has proven me wrong, I've decided that the name of this car is the Flaginator Belchoil and have awarded myself a point. Yeah, it's illegal, but I live on the edge.