Here are some recollections and impressions:
The concept
After joining a couple of long-gone boards, and seeing them grow, become flame-war battlegrounds and/or tools of commerce that devalued their members, only to fade away, Ultra (Charlie) had an idea to leverage one of the more popular discussion areas from those now departed boards (Name That Car puzzles) into the central them of a stand-alone board. Great idea, but much work would be required.
The execution
The bulk of the work in getting the AutoPuzzles site off the ground (selecting and configuring the forum software, securing a hosting company, and more) was Ultra’s (Charlie’s) doing. He did this while running a successful restaurant, started a recording studio, and likely juggled some other endevours he hasn’t shared. I don’t know how he managed all that. I churned out a amateurish ‘front page’ that highlighted feature puzzles, articles and photos. It’s gone through a couple of updates, evolving from the general appearance you see here, from the November 2006 period: suspect another revision to the look and feel of the Front Page is in order, so that it regains its visual similarity to the forum pages.
While I posted a lot of (most of) the puzzles at the beginning, within a year we had picked up some additional members who became active posters, including Arthur Dent and Stepehn M, both of whom have, sadly, become infrequent visitors. I did some recruiting, of a sort in ’06 and ‘07, by joining and participating in some Name That Car sections of other boards, and suggesting, within those discussions, that there was something special here at AutoPuzzles, for NTC aficionados.
Getting Rolling
In 2007, power posters GREYWOLF, Tifosi and @re became very active, and we got our first look at Paul Jaray, who wielding a fantastic memory and an impressive catalogue of reference materials, far outstripped anyone on the board. Unlike some of the other early very active posters, I’m pleased that PJ still visits regularly.
Personal perspective.
I’ve made some great acquaintances in the time this sites been active, to which I owe Charlie a debt of gratitude. I regret that I’ve alienated some people with whom I once enjoyed a good rapport. I hope I’ve learned from my folly, and hope I will not go down that path again. Like others, I’ve found the appearance of GSI to be damaging and damnable, as I succumbed to its temptation early. I suppose my public coming out on that subject brought to the forefront something that some others were already doing, and at least alerted many to something that they might not have known about. I’m pleased as punch that those members who posses libraries of printed material from which to pull puzzles, have been keeping the boards vital and active with material that thwarts such cheating.
What’s next?
I have no idea! I’m not good at prognostication. While I expected the AP site would be a going thing, way back in ’06, I wasn’t sure it would grow to its current size and scope. 1,200 members is a good number. Add to that the thwarted spammers who have come and gone, and that number would surely swell to 5 digits. I’m happy that so many legitimate car fans have found this a good place to hang out, to swap knowledge and photos, and begin virtual friendships.
Onward, and upward!