I just wanted to bump this discussion back to the top. It's worth re-reading, I think. This site has continued to feature some of the most challenging puzzles, and knowledgeable, friendly individuals anywhere on the web and I don't want to see that deteriorate. I only mention it because I am seeing a trend starting to slowly creep back in here and there . . . and that is puzzle posters continually doing what is called here in the USA "moving the goalposts". An obvious American football reference, what it means is changing the rules of what constitutes a score in the middle of the game - such as asking a question, receiving a correct answer, and then deciding to ask more questions. For instance, posting a picture of a car and asking "What is it, and from when?". An answer is received stating "It's an XYZ-mobile, from 1947" (which turns out to be correct). The puzzler then says the puzzle is locked for the respondent until he or she can state who made it, and where? THAT is "moving the goalposts". These secondary questions were NOT part of the puzzle. In a few even more egregious circumstances, yet a third round of requests for ever-more-detailed information is made.
I think we all like to find out all we can about the puzzle cars that are posted . . . and the more information, the better . . . but let's please try to keep the puzzle/solution process simple. If you ask what a car is, and from when - and you get the correct answer to those two questions - award the point and move on. Moving on can of course include asking if anyone has further information on the car in question, or posting it if you have it yourself. Another issue is, if you post a puzzle car and you yourself don't know what it is (and these are some of the most interesting cars), determining what is the correct solution can be a lot harder.
I hope these comments are taken in the spirit in which they are intended . . . an attempt to keep the site entertaining and fun. All of the above comments are my opinion only, based on what I've been seeing. Let's remember this site isn't a forum for anyone to demonstrate how much more they know than anyone else, or to endlessly string puzzles along asking ever-more-detailed questions. Again, just my opinion. I should also add that I don't think the solution is to post a puzzle that requires a ten-part answer. Let's keep it fun and informative, shall we?
What do YOU think?