AutoPuzzles - The Internet's Museum of Rare Cars!
AutoPuzzles Today => News, Information and Feedback => Topic started by: Ultra on September 07, 2010, 08:43:47 AM
During the next week the software that runs this forum will be undergoing many updates. Please be patient with us as the appearance of the board is going to change during this process.
Ah okay!
that's a relief... ;)
Ah..I have already made a little comment in another thread - the one about hijacking ::)
I don't know if it has anything to do with the new updates, but I can no longer log in through Mozilla Firefox. But it still works with Internet Explorer.
I don't know if it has anything to do with the new updates, but I can no longer log in through Mozilla Firefox. But it still works with Internet Explorer.
Clear your cookies and it should work just fine.
I don't know if it has anything to do with the new updates, but I can no longer log in through Mozilla Firefox. But it still works with Internet Explorer.
Clear your cookies and it should work just fine.
Problem solved. Thanks!
The board runs better than ever. May it continue this way! :thumbsup:
When someone saves an attachment an AP watermark is built right in.
No doubt I'll get used to it, but my initial reaction is that I don't like the watermarks across the attached pictures.
Any other opinions on this either way?
what about a less large watermark, maybe only in one corner...?
We'll gauge reaction and go from there.
The thing I like the most of this place is that here are the rarest cars.
Nowadays if you google an obscure car, there is the high probability that Autopuzzles is the only place with more than a reference to that car and quite often the only place where you can find a pic.
This is a plus, something others have not.
In few occasions I put a small logo on my pics but I always shared the unmodified version with anyone via PM.
There's no need to watermark pictures that are all around the net, and in some cases (Pnegyesi lates article, for example) the watermark ruin them.
My proposal: add a feature that allows a member to choose if upload the original version or the one with the logo.
If I have to post a Chinese MPV...I can upload the pic I found on the web...if I found an original view of a coachbuilt car, for example, I can add the AP logo....but in any case I can share the unmodified version with anyone.
I'm storing thousands of pics from here...It will be a great damage!
The board can either put the watermark on all attachments or none at all. I can change the size, opacity and location of the watermark or I can turn it off. If a member wishes to get a pic unwatermarked a pm to the original poster seems a solution.
The board can either put the watermark on all attachments or none at all. I can change the size, opacity and location of the watermark or I can turn it off. If a member wishes to get a pic unwatermarked a pm to the original poster seems a solution.
I think a poll will be quite predictable...
I'd vote for a quite inoffensive (or none at all) watermark. ;)
I think a poll will be quite predictable...
I'd vote for a quite inoffensive (or none at all) watermark. ;)
Agreed also!
The fact that most images are of low resolution should count in the favour of no watermark defacing the image of the car.
I realise that many high quality images are shown in the "Featured Imagery" section and in this case it should be up to individual posters to indicate that their images are copyright.
Personally I think it is a retrograde step to introduce watermarks.
Watermarked images are a complete no no for me, and will really put me off the otherwise great AutoPuzzles site. Something more discrete, or preferably nothing at all, gets my voite.
If some Puzzlers are abusing the site for their own website purposes, as I know a couple are, then they should be warned that this sort of behavious is unacceptble and cease 'stealing' AutoPuzzles images/content for their own personal gain. Sorry, but overall so far a backwards step in my view :'(
Watermarked images are a complete no no for me, and will really put me off the otherwise great AutoPuzzles site. Something more discrete, or preferably nothing at all, gets my voite.
If some Puzzlers are abusing the site for their own website purposes, as I know a couple are, then they should be warned that this sort of behavious is unacceptble and cease 'stealing' AutoPuzzles images/content for their own personal gain. Sorry, but overall so far a backwards step in my view :'(
Yeah! With watermarks Djetset's pics would be completely unrecognizable! :hah:
I go for the compromise: a small transparent watermark – let's take the red-blue arrow – in one of the corners of each pic.
Not funny. BTW, why do non-car pictures (engines and people) escape the dreaded watermark when the vehicles images to do not?!
I'm another member preferring things the way they were. If we must have an AP watermark, I'm in the camp that would allow members to add a logo if they wish; failing that, a small stamp in a corner.
I think there are 2 options:
No watermarks at all, and anyone is free to add it to his rare pics
Small and inoffensive logo
in each case the material taken from here HAS TO BE credited to Autopuzzles, otherwise the watermarks will became inevitable .
Each one of us can monitor the other sites and report here if anyone is sharing this material without a reference to this place.
I don't care if anyone uses my pics for any use, but it's fair to give this place,( Charlie's ), the right tribute.
I will shrink the size of the mark and move it to a corner after I get done at work tonight.
More or less I, personally, agree with PJ's opinion / offer. An ideal solution would be for user to choose whether to add a watermark on his puzzle (ornot puzzle) pictures or not. Small logotype in the corner could also be a solution - probably not the best one.
I do also know several members here who have registered only to copy pictures from this forum and paste them to others in some cases with mentioning autopuzzles at all. I believe, that a true member should also be a puzzler here not only a "downloader".
I'm another member preferring things the way they were.
I second that ....
Copyright is a difficult issue and the law varies in different countries. The "fair use" defence is, I think, only applicable to the USA.
I get the impression that about 95% of the pictures posted here have been either found on the internet or scanned from books and magazines. If this supposition is correct, then the poster doesn't own the copyright nor does Autopuzzles. It might even be illegal for Autopuzzles to watermark the pictures as it could be construed that Autopuzzles is illegally claiming the copyright.
Surely the answer is not for Autopuzzles to watermark pictures, but to leave it up to a copyright owner to protect their property by watermarking it if they want to.
I don't think it's a matter of copyright here.
When I put the Autopuzzles logo on a pic I took from an old magazine I'm not claim that I (or this place) own the copyright, I'm only avoiding that someone take it and place it somewhere without reporting that the car was posted and discussed here.
It's not a matter of law but a gentlemen's agreement.
(but I still prefer the old way....)
Let's see how bad you guys let me have it about the Watermarks now..........
I would like a cleaner version of the logo script with no background colors at all to use as the watermark. Would make it much cleaner on the pics and more legible. Might even be able to make it smaller then.
Anyone? Anyone?
Well, I feel like a guinea pig. Unfortunately the museum photos I uploaded feature this huge watermark. Now, should I upload them again or will you replace them with a non-watermarked version?
And due to a server glitch, a series of museum photos have now been uploaded three times but still not visible. Can someone please help?
Well, I feel like a guinea pig. Unfortunately the museum photos I uploaded feature this huge watermark. Now, should I upload them again or will you replace them with a non-watermarked version?
And due to a server glitch, a series of museum photos have now been uploaded three times but still not visible. Can someone please help?
The huge watermark is gone if you clear cookies and reload the page.
I don't know squat about your server glitch or what photos you mean. The attachment process should be better than ever now.
Hey, thank you Ultra, the smaller watermark in the bottom corner is much better. :D
Wow, just moved my first puzzle to the solved section using the new style AutoPuzzles!
Looks great!
and by the way, the small watermark is a better solution.
Thanks for all the hard work.
If anyone is not enjoying some of the new themes we will be trying out this week you have the option in your profile settings to set your own theme as whatever you want it to be. The Apollo is the one that most closely mimics the original.
Feel free to choose your own. I will be uploading a few more during the week.
Well, if you need a vote, I have switched back to Apollo - it is the layout I am used to and can use with my eyes closed. The major trackback of the black design for me us that I can't look at it for a long time - the eyes become tired very fast (well, mine are not perfect), unlike with the light coloured one. Also, the unread subforums are hard to differ with these identificators. I know the design doesn't make much difference for the website operation, but it lays a big stamp over the joy of using it. Great that you have left the ability to choose a layout - if it is possible to retain in case the basic design will change, I will vote for this function (has it been before?).
You have always been able to choose. You just didn't have many options. Now there are lots of options. I am going to try a few this week and fine tune them. I have no idea which will end up the default again but I will leave people with the option to choose.
Except of the missing Anti Aliasing the logo looks quite okay!
Do you still need a higher resolution logo image?
If possible, yes!(per Email) It would be much smoother then.
Are you satisfied with its present look?
You always do good work.
I notice, in browsing the other site layouts, that it is much smaller on the Apollo layout, and absent altogether from some of the others.
I'll get this to you tomorrow morning
This morning you seem to have changed from black type on a light background to a dark background with the tyoe reversed out in whitish.
This combination is well-known to be more difficult to read than black-on-white so I hope it's a mistake rather than a carefully considered change.
The way data is presented in the summaries is also less intuitive with the "new" flag half-way along rather than at the end of the thread name and category.
On reflection I think you are right Allan, it is going to be difficult to read - mainly due to one's eyesight becoming strained after spending some time on the site.
However it basically looks quite classy - just too much black in my opinion.
I'll be interested to see the other options.
On the whole the site now works much more quickly and efficiently.
But I HATE the dark background; please please reconsider that! It hurts my eyes!
Also now when I log in first it's OK but then when I hit the 'Puzzles' button it tells me "Session Verification Failed", suggesting I try logging out then logging back in again. If I do try that it says it doesn't recognise Carnut (even though it's already said "Welcome Carnut" at the top)! So I don't - instead I hit the 'Home' button and it works OK and takes me to the Homepage. Anyone else getting this? Will it be OK when all changes have been completed?
I am also much more in favour of a small corner logo rather than one in the background covering the whole picture.
Another funny thing though: it's always been possible to Delete one's own posts, which in some cases is quite useful (on several occasions I've written a load of rubbish and realised it straight afterwards: then I've been able to delete the post and start again). Now the Delete button has gone walkabout! Why is that? It was extremely useful: can we have it back please?
I'm also having log-in problems in the same way as you Carnut.
I put it down to the changes taking place.
At least the strange spam messages seem to have gone.
On the whole the site now works much more quickly and efficiently.
But I HATE the dark background; please please reconsider that! It hurts my eyes!
Also now when I log in first it's OK but then when I hit the 'Puzzles' button it tells me "Session Verification Failed", suggesting I try logging out then logging back in again. If I do try that it says it doesn't recognise Carnut (even though it's already said "Welcome Carnut" at the top)! So I don't - instead I hit the 'Home' button and it works OK and takes me to the Homepage. Anyone else getting this? Will it be OK when all changes have been completed?
I am also much more in favour of a small corner logo rather than one in the background covering the whole picture.
Another funny thing though: it's always been possible to Delete one's own posts, which in some cases is quite useful (on several occasions I've written a load of rubbish and realised it straight afterwards: then I've been able to delete the post and start again). Now the Delete button has gone walkabout! Why is that? It was extremely useful: can we have it back please?
You can change the colour theme individually in your own profile settings ("Look and Layout Preferences". 'Apollo' is the most similar to the old board design). To remove the big watermarks clear your browser's cache/cookies and refresh. Then you should be able to see the pics updated with small watermarks.
Tomorrow we will have another theme up.
I'll look into the delete thing.
You can change the colour theme individually in your own profile settings ("Look and Layout Preferences". 'Apollo' is the most similar to the old board design). To remove the big watermarks clear your browser's cache/cookies and refresh. Then you should be able to see the pics updated with small watermarks.
Done! What a relief!
Thanks for that Allemano.
I'll get this to you tomorrow morning
You don't need anymore. (email sent)
You can change the colour theme individually in your own profile settings ("Look and Layout Preferences". 'Apollo' is the most similar to the old board design). To remove the big watermarks clear your browser's cache/cookies and refresh. Then you should be able to see the pics updated with small watermarks.
Done! What a relief!
Thanks for that Allemano.
Done likewise (and thanks Allemeno!).
If anyone is not enjoying some of the new themes we will be trying out this week you have the option in your profile settings to set your own theme as whatever you want it to be. The Apollo is the one that most closely mimics the original.
Feel free to choose your own. I will be uploading a few more during the week.
Sometimes I think few of you read my posts.
Probably not possible but what I would like to see is a small thumbnail of the car next to each topic title.
Because now, with my terrible memory, I need to reopen each topic every time I want to know what car we are looking for.
Probably not possible but what I would like to see is a small thumbnail of the car next to each topic title.
Because now, with my terrible memory, I need to reopen each topic every time I want to know what car we are looking for.
Coming soon........
Probably not possible but what I would like to see is a small thumbnail of the car next to each topic title.
Because now, with my terrible memory, I need to reopen each topic every time I want to know what car we are looking for.
Coming soon........
Wow, that would be great! :)
If anyone is not enjoying some of the new themes we will be trying out this week you have the option in your profile settings to set your own theme as whatever you want it to be. The Apollo is the one that most closely mimics the original.
Feel free to choose your own. I will be uploading a few more during the week.
Sometimes I think few of you read my posts.
Perhaps we do, but without understanding what you've written.
For example, I've never come across the word "theme" in this sort of context, and when I had my profile displayed, even if I had noticed the "Look and Layout Preferences" under "Modify Profile" I would have expected it would be where you modified the look/layout of the profile, not the whole site's display. It was Allemano who told us that that was what changed the appearance of everything, hence I could then do it.
Hey ho!
I have no way of knowing what you do and don't understand.
I have busted my ass to do this upate. Wanna know what I think of your haughtiness?
I didn't think so.
My offer/idea for further development.
It would be nice to have an opportunity to somewhow "bookmark" separate topics for further reading in order to find them quickly when needed. For example to bookmark as "unread" (would be visible in recent unread topics list) or "interesting" topics. Also a chance to "ignore" topic. Well, that's just a basic idea nothing more.
BTW, is it normal that the forum is still working slower than normal/it should?
Tried to upload the bookmark feature. It wouldn't take. I am working on it. The forum is faster for me and I have only heard good reports till I heard yours.
It's working fantastic! Thank you so much Ultra!
(1) I agree with other posters about the black background - it may look classy but it is tiring to read
(2) I can't remember whether we had one before or if I've seen it on other forums, but I would like to see a duplicated "next" button at the bottom of the page. You open a puzzle and scroll through the answers - then you want to see the next puzzle and you have to scroll back up to the top
It's working faster for me.....
And much faster for me too. That seems solved. Thanks a lot, Ultra.
Since the update is on I had no glitches at all, everything works absolutely fine.
Let's wait for the next group puzzle to come....
(2) I can't remember whether we had one before or if I've seen it on other forums, but I would like to see a duplicated "next" button at the bottom of the page. You open a puzzle and scroll through the answers - then you want to see the next puzzle and you have to scroll back up to the top
The Next/Previous pair seem to be at both top and bottom of the pages.
That's how they were, and if they were changed from that, they have been changed back.
Very useful it is when I just need a quick look at everything to see if someone's posted something I might have a chance of understanding (increasingly rare these days as most have already been used). :(
Next/ Previous is at top and bottom in Apollo but not on the black background "theme" or "format"
Probably not possible but what I would like to see is a small thumbnail of the car next to each topic title.
Because now, with my terrible memory, I need to reopen each topic every time I want to know what car we are looking for.
Coming soon........
That will be the biggest possible single improvement and is fantastic news!
Pleased to say it's all working much faster now and can only say the improvements have been well worth the effort!
Well done Ultra!
Indeed the board is working much faster than previously. Most likely, some problems with internet connection resulted in my previous reply. My apologize. Well done improvements!
Appearantly nothing is 100% perfect! Is it only me who's got the impression that the quality of posted pics is worse than before? (more pixelated!) ( (Oakland_Roadster_Show.jpg)
The pic was never good, but not that bad.
Maybe it depends on the dark theme which I'm using?
EDIT: No, the theme doesn't matter.
It appears the watermark is part of an overlay that spans the entire picture.
FYI - I need to re-create the logo file I promised. I lost the original high-res PNG file. ???
AND my Google Chrome account got screwed up, and I spent most of the early morning trying to fix that. :P
I'm finding the 'Search' doesn't work as before either.
Whatever I put in, I get 90 pages, starting with Djetset's Zodiac Ginetta Camper..!
I've found a way around it but as I say it doesn't work as before; why does 'Jaguar XK140' return that Zodiac and 90 other pages, many of them from within the last couple of weeks?
Anyone else finding this problem?
Made the same experience on various items. Still can't find my solved 282. puzzle which was the same taxi as als15 posted recently. (Standard Taxi or NYC Taxi)
Search parameters are adjustable by Admins. Any of you Admins wanna poke around and try adjusting them be my guest.
Also having the same problem with the search function.
It's necessary for me to find out if I'm about to post a puzzle that has already been covered.
Ultra, I appreciate all your efforts and thank you for keeping this playground nice and tidy for us. 8)
Ultra, I appreciate all your efforts and thank you for keeping this playground nice and tidy for us. 8)
We have not had one spammer since the update. Not one.
I agree.
Thanks for all the hard work Ultra it's much appreciated.
Prego, guys.
wholly approve of way its evolving, appreciate your efforts, and like your aesthetic.
Everyone's theme has been reset to the default theme, mea culpa.
The message indexes now feature working thumbnails for all threads with attachments on this, the default theme, only.
See what I mean:
You are reaching perfection.
Everyone's theme has been reset to the default theme, mea culpa.
The message indexes now feature working thumbnails for all threads with attachments on this, the default theme, only.
See what I mean:
Holy cow, I'm impressed!
That makes things a lot easier to read...
Just one thing - why do all the editors have question marks instead of stars under their username?
Everyone's theme has been reset to the default theme, mea culpa.
The message indexes now feature working thumbnails for all threads with attachments on this, the default theme, only.
Man, you've been burning the midnight oil! :)
Does the software also accomodate thumbnails of embedded pictures? They (currently) don't show in the thumbnails.
Does the software also accomodate thumbnails of embedded pictures? They (currently) don't show in the thumbnails.
I knew you'd be the one to ask.
There is no mod in SMF for that at this time. One will come as it has been discussed. I have no idea when it will come however.
8 new posts took me about two minutes. Now, that's an improvement! :)
Sorry :-\
I love the upgrades to the site.
Specially the fact that you can see a small pic of the puzzle pic without opening the thread. ( that will save a lot of time )
It seems the site has gotten quicker for me as well...
Only a small request: is it possible to inactivate the standard setting of "post a redirection topic"?
Only a small request: is it possible to inactivate the standard setting of "post a redirection topic"?
Yeah, but I will have to edit the HTML to do it and I don't even know what template produces that pop-up window.
It ain't gonna happen soon.
Done. ;)
Those thumbnailed images of the puzzle cars are AMAZING!! :thumbsup:
The site has improved dramatically with all the changes recently implemented - please add my congratulations to the Autopuzzles team!
Amazing! Absolutely fantastic!
Well done that man!
What am I going to do with all my spare time now?!
Since we are looking for little improvements in a PER-FECT new there a way to browse the different pages in the solved section?
I'm looking for a precise car, I remember who started it, but if it's not @re or yves there are hundreds of pages to go through 2 by 2...
I agree: that's one of the things I pointed in this topic:
I f only we could have a way to do directly to a page by its number... I've seen it quite often. Here an example from a french site.
If this is feature is not available there's a little trick you can do. You can jump to certain pages simply by editing the end value of the adress line of your browser. It works in the solved section with 20 increments. 20, 40, 60...100 etc.. (note the pics)
The message indexes now feature working thumbnails for all threads with attachments on this, the default theme, only.
Is it also possible that the thumbnails show up when you click the 'Show unread posts since last visit' button?
(We are never happy, are we)
The message indexes now feature working thumbnails for all threads with attachments on this, the default theme, only.
Is it also possible that the thumbnails show up when you click the 'Show unread posts since last visit' button?
(We are never happy, are we)
Not at this time.
The week of major changes is over. We shall be using this set-up, with minor tweeks, for a while now.
I am glad you guys are pleased.
More than pleased! Thank you for this fantastic upgrade (
does this include the proper work of the search engine? (to avoid a huge amount of re-posts)
does this include the proper work of the search engine? (to avoid a huge amount of re-posts)
You can work on that.
Have at it. I already tried indexes. They didn't help.
tried out various options unsuccessfully , but I'm no Expert on this.
If it may help I've noticed that when you look for something, there are about 90 pages of results, but starting from the last one and going back you should be able to find the right ones.
When I do a search in Advanced mode, searching only subject titles and only within specific forums liked Solved Puzzles, the search worked extremely well.
Lets avoid simple searches.
For example: if I search "182." within the solved puzzles and only subect titles I get only three results! This just cannot be true. If I specify "by user" I get nothing.
Then, I changed the key word and typed in "Taxi", searched in subject titles only, specified by user (*Allemano) I get only one result, but not the puzzle I've been looking for.
Google search for this site only. Hope to have it soon.
Of course!!!! Forgot the most obvious option! Found it.
Of course!!!! Forget the most obvious option! Found it.
You did? Be a sport, please share.
Of course. I used it to search many sites, but hadn't thought of it for our own. Obvious indeed!
The bottom of the index now has a box for Google searching the site. I am working on a more accessible, functional search but for now this will have to do.
I guess that what Allemano meant was to use the Google Advanced Search, which we cannot duplicate here. But it's quite easy to use anyway.
Does the software also accomodate thumbnails of embedded pictures? They (currently) don't show in the thumbnails.
I knew you'd be the one to ask.
There is no mod in SMF for that at this time. One will come as it has been discussed. I have no idea when it will come however.
And I am the second. I noticed that my pictures didn't appear, as did those of Otto's older puzzles. Quite normal, as I embedded them too since I was an editor, following his example (and finding this classier). Is this also why mine seem not to be watermarked? Not that I mind that, on the contrary.
I'll have to wait and be patient, because the's no way I can rewrite all my puzzles and attach the images instead (count 1 minute by image). And it's technically impossible for the group puzzles.
Just one suggestion for the admins....
Can we change the icon used on the index page to determine which forums have new topics. Some of us (well me) are colour blind and it is very hard for me to tell the difference between new topic and no new topics.
I was going to ask for the "All unread Topics" option...but today: here it is!
Great Work!
Just one suggestion for the admins....
Can we change the icon used on the index page to determine which forums have new topics. Some of us (well me) are colour blind and it is very hard for me to tell the difference between new topic and no new topics.
Coming soon.
I had to manually code the All Unread Topics button. In this new version of the board that turned out to be a real pain in the butt.
Just one suggestion for the admins....
Can we change the icon used on the index page to determine which forums have new topics. Some of us (well me) are colour blind and it is very hard for me to tell the difference between new topic and no new topics.
Done, with a thanks to Allemano for getting me the new gif.
I'm confused again.
I answered a couple of threads and then realised I'm not supposed to do so at the level they were in, so I went to delete the posts and could not find the "delete" "button" so had to modify them to say nothing.
As I have been told that some things are in "Apollo" but not in the default setting, I went to "Modify Profile" "Look and Layout Preferences" intending to change back to the default to see if the "delete" was there then. However, although it says "This section allows you to customize the look and layout of the forum" there was nothing that allowed me to change anything apart from time preferences and there were a lot of tick-boxes for trivia.
PS I think the thumbnails are excellent.
How to change the avatar please?
Profile > Forum Profile Information
I answered a couple of threads and then realised I'm not supposed to do so at the level they were in, so I went to delete the posts and could not find the "delete" "button" so had to modify them to say nothing.
The "Delete" button has turned into a "Remove" button, but it's the same.
I answered a couple of threads and then realised I'm not supposed to do so at the level they were in, so I went to delete the posts and could not find the "delete" "button" so had to modify them to say nothing.
The "Delete" button has turned into a "Remove" button, but it's the same.
Except that we normal mortals don't seem to get the 'Remove' button like we had the 'Delete'.
All we have is the 'Quote' and 'Modify' buttons....
I'll try to figure it out.
Profile > Forum Profile Information
Unfortunately, I see only this and no field to upload a picture :-\ Strange ???
Ouch! The "delete" button gone, now this!!!
I'll look into it later.
there is a strange button on the right of my posts.... which allows inline editing of postings - although there isn't a way of confirming the edit......
(I thought that might be an unlabelled delete function)
I believe all the latest little niggles have been addressed.
I believe all the latest little niggles have been addressed.
Well the loss of the delete (remove) button has been fixed, thanks, but that was more than a little niggle I'd say!
Still seems not to be possible to change the look from the "Apollo" that I changed "back" to but that doesn't bother me.
Whether it's general or just in "Apollo" there are a lot of non-intuitive symbols scattered about (like the one gilescooperuk just referred to) and an easier to see symbol for something obvious such as "more than 20 posts" than for the more useful "thread you have posted in"
Everyone's theme has been reset to the default theme, mea culpa.
The message indexes now feature working thumbnails for all threads with attachments on this, the default theme, only.
See what I mean:
With this in mind, the theme you see is the only one I am offering. I don't care to maintain any others.
Well the loss of the delete (remove) button has been fixed,
Has it?
I still don't have it so can't delete any of my postings, just 'Quote' and 'Modify' as before.
All I have is a button to remove the whole of one of my own Topics entirely, which includes what others have posted on it too.
Well the loss of the delete (remove) button has been fixed,
Has it?
I still don't have it so can't delete any of my postings, just 'Quote' and 'Modify' as before.
All I have is a button to remove the whole of one of my own Topics entirely, which includes what others have posted on it too.
Or maybe I have it but only on posts from now on, as I see it's there on this post but not on any of my older ones! So maybe I should use it and remove this post!!
I took a look at the old solved puzzles...the pics are definetly ruined by the watermark...I mean the little script on the bottom is fine, but the quality is much lower...I compared a pic of mine before and after ... :shakehead:
Yet you spoke for the watermark.
I didn't make he same check, but I was rather against it even without this.
EDIT: But, to be honest, I've just made the check on one and there is no loss in quality (have to check some others yet).
Yes, it's true, it makes it very hard to identify significant details in one of my group puzzles...
Can I bang on again about the "search" function please?
There seems to be an inversion in its logic so that many pages with threads where the searched-for words do not appear are listed first and are stated to have 100% relevance, and by about page 12 (out of 15) or somethimes page 43 out of 44 there the words are and the relevance is now 2.9% and by the last result with the words present the relevance is down to 0%.
I understand that there are browser search functions, but this one appears to be tailored to this forum with a field for User, and so forth and the one it replaced worked well.
It is quite noticable that the number of reposts has increased, presumably because a search doesn't show up the previous use. I tried to find one a few days ago to show someone, found it once but lost it, never to succeed again.
And again!
I have just searched for Jowett Jupiter and there was one result as the first item on page 1 (relevance 100%) and the next seemed to be on page 103 (relevance 3%) followed by some more and then on into page 104 - the last was "relevance 0%" but actually scored 100 in that the words appeared and the puzzle thread concerned was a Jowett Jupiter.
And another strange thing:
If I google "ardie ganz", the first result displays 432 by Allemano as it should. But if I click on the link, it takes me Otto's #754 (Wrighton) ???
And another strange thing:
If I google "ardie ganz", the first result displays 432 by Allemano as it should. But if I click on the link, it takes me Otto's #754 (Wrighton) ???
And very oddly, even though Google might give you 20 answers that look identical, clicking on each one will send you to a different page each time... None of them showing what you're looking for of course!
But also it is just as capable of giving you exactly what you're looking for..
I believe the search function is fixed. If anyone is having any issues with it please let me know.
I believe the search function is fixed. If anyone is having any issues with it please let me know.
I had a go and what I got was what I expected, unlike the same search a few days ago, so looks good, thanks.
Well the loss of the delete (remove) button has been fixed, thanks, but that was more than a little niggle I'd say!
For some reason which I missed (if we were told it) the "remove" button seems not to be there in most cases now.
The post I copied to create this one did have "remove" today, but my recent posts, including one today in the "Expert" section do not and I see evidence in the "by the numbers" thread that Neilshouse had the same problem.
ETA this post has a "remove" button as at 9:06 BST today!