So many replies and so little time to answer...
Thank you all, I think we arrived at some conclusions:
you all support us in this new strategy to fight cheaters.
If puzzlers want to be 'safe' they should use modified pictures or scans from books\mags\etc.
Nothing is going to change in the way the game is going to be played.
There should be no fear of anything: if you know the car but can't explain or you won't remember, it doesn't matter.
What do you gentlemen think of using PMs as the means of asking and answering the questions as to search method? Putting the question in the body of the puzzle itself is faintly damning, and the answer may reveal an internet source that someone prefers to keep to themselves. We could simply post, "PM sent" upon receiving a correct puzzle answer, then the PM text would say "Congratulations! Now for the point, how in hell did you do that?"
That is perfect, of course.
@popoid: you are probalby going too far:
Having said all this, I will continue to abide by the rules, and submit to the audits, if required, but if said audits become onerous I'm gone. Perhaps it is an American thing, but I still believe that one is innocent until proven guilty, and one should not have to prove innocence.
I used to do like you do, solve all puzzles starting from the Rookie section and then copy the prepared answer few seconds after it's moved, if I'm logged in. (now, with so many skilled experts, I can't do it anymore because they all end before

and time is less and less).
I agree what you (and others) stated: it's a game among gentlemen.
...but not fools

. If any puzzler tells me: I knew it before because I knew it, like we said, I believe his word.
If you are looking for a piece for your coffee machine, contact a seller of those pieces and in his website you find a 'selfbuilt' car the company built in the 60s and there is no other source in the world where you can find it (except SBI) and the puzzle get solved within few minutes, I still believe his word, but I will have a personal idea about...and other puzzlers too. Nobody will be ever be banned upon 'ideas' and there will not be an unpleasant witch-hunt, but a cheater will know that we are not sitting and looking.
It will never be onerous and look at the bright side: there is an additional pleasure in revealing how smart you are.

@WayneB: the point system you suggest, I'm afraid can't work but it doesn't mean you can not decide if one of your puzzles deserves more than 1 point. It's been done before, if you think it's worth, a puzzler can award more points for his puzzles but, again, it doesn't require a specific rule.
Another thing to take into account is that in the early days of this forum, puzzles must have been easier to solve as the vehicles pictured were not as unknown and obscure as the ones currently featured for puzzles, so I will think it will certainly get more difficult for puzzlers to be able to solve puzzles now and in the future which may explain why so few of the newer members seem to be sticking around.
I think deliberately making puzzles ridiculously difficult or unsolvable is an mistake, this forum is partially an educational tool and If the puzzle cars are extremely difficult or impossible to solve how will anyone ever know what they were in the future?
I agree to the 1st part, obviously once the most known sources have been dried, the puzzles are always more challenging.
About the 2nd part, I think if you want to solve a puzzle, you can always do it just asking and guessing. In the end, if the puzzler want to have it solved, he will find a way to lead you toward the solution.
I have some puzzles quite hard still out there. If you do not have my source, they are quite hard. I try to figure out how you can find it and try to point you there. It's up to you to pick my clues.
@Iluvatar. You are right, we already discussed about the time limit and it can't be imposed. I personally do not want to have puzzles remaining there for ages and I prefer to play hangman to let you solve them...but it's my personal view.
To award a point to the poster of impossible puzzles is risky: if I do not 'help' you in some of my puzzles and you do not have my source, it will be almost impossible. If I know that I'll get a point for that, why bother? I know it's not all about points after all and I'd like to see also the divulgative and educational side of this place.
Here's one from me - how about all members who reach Expert level being under an obligation to post at least, say, 6 new puzzles a month. I realise that not everybody has as much time as others to spend on AP (although I manage it, and I've got 2 jobs and a household to manage, although that might be a reflection on the OCD I seem to have acquired since joining AP), but surely 6 puzzles isn't beyond anyone?
I don't agree with it... a site like AP cannot live if the members are obliged to do something... but maybe an incentive could be added for members who add more puzzles...