So far we haven't heard from Pal about this. Considering that the Negyesi brothers currently host and run the site, and that it only exists in its current form owing to their recovering it from the server crash of 2014, when it was discovered that the admins of the time had not made any proper backups, if any changes to are to be made, it should really be their decision, shouldn't it?
Still, today, I delete more spammers and unwanted members than any other admin. I appreciate your thoughts on this matter but I don't appreciate your discounting me as a presence here.
I can, at any time, transfer the hosting to a hosting company and put ads back on the site. It is mine to do so.
Pal doesn't think the site has any value. $1 nominally, I believe.
I've generated income off of this site, $50-$70 U.S. dollars a month with one month just over $100. When we had ads all of this was discussed in the admin section back then and the current admins can look it all up. Pal and his brother offered to host it because our spam traffic had risen to the point that hosting costs were about to increase tenfold.
After we moved to Pal and his brothers as hosts, I fixed the spamming traffic issues with some mods I installed to the software. At current market values, hosting costs now could be comfortably covered by those same ad revenues today as our traffic is no longer off the charts with spamming I.P's pinging us constantly.
I run the SMF still. Always have. We are suffering a bug that occurred after a server transfer that prevents us from updating within the software. As I am unfamiliar with the current style of hosting that the Negyesi's provide us it has been decided that they don't wish to risk any downtime in order to give me the opportunity to address the updates, as I offered to do and have always done in the past. Both Pal and his brother are fantastic for all they do for this place and there is no question they alleviated a bit of a burden that I carried for 7 or so years unaided. That said, they provide a fantastic service and have been very valuable to the site, but their impressions of it's value are no more or less valid than anyone else's.
I have made income off of this site and that I have done so is on the record in the admin sections of this forum.
As Otto says, the traffic numbers are available to every member of the site in the stats section. The research to ad revenues is available to anyone out there. We had ads and they weren't a problem, at all, and I personally modified the current software so that ads will just plug right back in with an absolute minimum of effort.
I own the database, in it's entirety. I own the name, the content and all rights thereof. One can negotiate in good faith and I've confidence the editors I've been talking with would do just that. Your negativity as to my offering the site to the editors and members for what I felt was a reasonable number based on the time and effort that has been expended to get the site to this point as well as the potential for income and growth that does exist with the current platform is curious to me as, if the site has no or very little value to you, why are you even here?
If no one is interested and nothing can be worked out with the people who have helped to make the site what it is then I will actively pursue outside interests until I can find an interested party and conclude ownership transfer.
Thanks for your interest, Tom I. I won't hold your name on the potential buyers list.