Author Topic: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles  (Read 5502 times)

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Just a quick idea for a revised point scoring system for long-term puzzles that remain unsolved.

How about awarding one point to the puzzler that originally placed a puzzle if his/her puzzle has not been correctly solved after one year?, and how about awarding two points to the originating puzzler if the puzzle has remained unsolved for two years or more?  The point could be added by Admin the day after the puzzle has reached its first or second 'birthday.'

With this system puzzlers will be rewarded for posting especially challenging puzzles that have kept all fellow puzzlers amused and confused for the past 12 months or more. 

It may also encourage the rest of us to try and solve them before they reach their 12 month anniverdsary, thus keeping old puzzles in circulation, rather than just lying dormant as many sadly do today.  This system may also help keep the point tally alive for the lonely Pros as well!

Just an idea.  What does anyone think?
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 04:40:49 PM by Djetset »
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You want PJ to jump from 1000 to 2000 in a heartbeat?  ;D
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I still like that idea...

Think the board will bust anyway when PJ get the1.000th point.
« Last Edit: May 26, 2010, 04:40:28 PM by Allemano »

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Hey, for a guy like me that's forever stuck on a lonely 215 points, what's 1,000 or 2,000 between friends!  

I agree that this system could make a few Puzzlers rich in points (e,g, PJ, Quiiler, et al) but that seems a fair and just reward for them stumping us with their oh-so cunning and mysterious puzzling.
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I agree - great idea, Djetset.
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Agreed too.
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Hard to tell.
On one hand, long-lived puzzled are worth to be rewarded, and I quite like the idea.
On the other, honestly, I believe it won't be a stimul for solving the older puzzles - I bet no one here is against one or two more points to anyone.
At the same time it may lead to the appearance of so many unsolved puzzles that The Black Hole will be the biggest section of the forum... For instance, I can put a decent number of Soviet sportscars which I don't know myself as puzzles, and I'll be almost sure that it would be very hard for anyone to solve them.
Also, I think, it will be not too easy for administration to check for the 'year old' puzzles every day, or can this be done automatically?

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Sounds fun.
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Great to see that this idea has generated such a lively response in just 30 minutes or so. 

I've just totalled up my unsolved puzzles that are over one year old, for example, and they only amount to three, so I would stand to gain just three extra points.  I've been on AutoPuzzles for less than 18 months, so I don't have any longer-term unresolved puzzles as yet toi gain from.

For the more established guys though, like PJ, Quiller and yourselves, you may stand to gain a few more points (especially Quiller, who seems to be King of the long-term mystery car!) but even then the point tally would not be huge, so PJ may still take some time to get to 2,000 points (on second thoughts, with his amazing knowledge he'll probably be there by the end of next week!). :D
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I like it...

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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #10 on: June 03, 2010, 11:18:37 AM »
Alternatively there could be some kind of a time-limit on puzzles, so that the Poster only gets his point when it proves unsolvable within that time then he has to declare the answer himself (or herself? Are there any ladies out there?!).

I'd love to know the answers to some of those geriatric puzzles, and I don't know if I'm ever going to get them?

That would at least stop any rewards for posting dozens of unsolvable Russian sports cars that even the Poster can't answer!
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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #11 on: June 03, 2010, 11:41:09 AM »
Good idea, I just can't remember if I have offered something similar or not. Whatever, it should be considered seriously, imho.

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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #12 on: June 03, 2010, 11:53:36 AM »
I can put a decent number of Soviet sportscars which I don't know myself as puzzles, and I'll be almost sure that it would be very hard for anyone to solve them.

You could put them up as a thread in General Automotive.  They would be interesting to many of us here.

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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #13 on: June 08, 2010, 12:00:59 PM »
Just a little patience  ;D I'm working on structurizing them for my own purpose ;)

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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2010, 04:56:32 PM »
Alternatively there could be some kind of a time-limit on puzzles, so that the Poster only gets his point when it proves unsolvable within that time then he has to declare the answer himself (or herself? Are there any ladies out there?!).

I'd love to know the answers to some of those geriatric puzzles, and I don't know if I'm ever going to get them?

That would at least stop any rewards for posting dozens of unsolvable Russian sports cars that even the Poster can't answer!
I like the idea of a time limit.  I too would like to know the identity of some of th unsolved ones.

I think one point for an unsolved one is reasonable.   I don't think many people are fixated on points and I don't see anybody deliberately posting unsolvable ones just to get a point.
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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #15 on: September 09, 2010, 08:24:01 AM »
Another riflession:
woodinsight noticed that some guesses went unnoticed for long time.
I think we can fix this problem of "dormant puzzles" (or puzzlers?)
The matter is even more unpleasant when you have to wait for a puzzle that reaches the Pro section and is still blocked in the Rookie section after 1 year!
I think we can estabilish a new rule, where we can follow these steps:
1- we have to bump the old ones and see what happens.
2- we can contact the puzzler via PM or email asking for a reply (or a reason for such a long time)
3- we can take it over: if someone knows the answer, he can reply as if it was one of his own.
If the dormant puzzle reaches the Pro board and no-one knows the answer, we'll have only step 1 and 2 to follow.


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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #16 on: September 09, 2010, 09:12:54 AM »
Do it.
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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2010, 09:22:39 AM »
Do I make you nervous?

You were about to call me an asshole weren't you?

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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2010, 12:25:47 PM »
Great idea.
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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2010, 02:00:46 PM »

3- we can take it over: if someone knows the answer, he can reply as if it was one of his own.

As long as it did not arrive the pro section, that can only be done by admins and feature writers, isn't it?

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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2010, 03:13:01 AM »
When there is no activity by the poster and there is no reply to guesses and PMs, if an admin knows the answer, he can take care of it as one of his own. If no admin knows the answer of a Rookie puzzle, it can be moved to the expert board and hope someone has the answer...if it will go unsolved even there, the Pros will have their chance, then the Black Hole will be its final destination.
..but we are dealing only with the few puzzles with no activity by the puzzler.
If someone wants to keep a puzzle stuck in a section for 6\8 months but he answers to every guesses... we can only accept his decision.

(BTW: this is just my idea, not a written rule so far...the discussion is open)

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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2010, 05:19:06 AM »
Since anyone can answer Pro or Black Hole puzzles, why not move them to one of those boards first?
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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2010, 05:20:36 AM »
Since anyone can answer Pro or Black Hole puzzles, why not move them to one of those boards first?

I think if a puzzle is being taken over by an admin that this should be automatic Black Hole material.
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Re: An idea for a new point scoring system for long-term unsolved puzzles
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2010, 06:05:03 AM »
OK, then...can I guess them right after I move them?  ;D
I mean, if I know the answer, I can reply to the guesses and let the fun continue.
If I move it to the Pro or Black Hole section, I can play and put the puzzle out of misery.
Once again I'm referring to the puzzles with no activity and not to the puzzles stuck in the same section for a long time.
For example, Joao (sorry can't find the right 'o') is quite active, but some of his puzzles are back in the rookie section since january...but it's his choice...if a rookie wants, he can try to solve them with some guesses or just bump it.
The real dormient ones are quite these, and I'm not the only admin who know them both, I think.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2010, 06:07:58 AM by Paul Jaray »