ICan we still post pre-war car puzzles in the other sections?
Remember everyone, these are suggestions on how to use the boards efficiently not hard and fast rules for every puzzle posted.
Allan L, it is definitely not cheating to use the Feature Writer method and, as I see it, nothing could be further from the truth. Solving 200 puzzles is a solitary exercise in self education. When someone writes a story here, everyone benefits with new material to read. I think being a Feature Writer is, by far, the most noble way to enter this club. The structure is set up as it is in order to generate interest in, and attempt to encourage, people to contribute their own Feature Writings. If you do so now you only re-enforce that the idea I have brought forth has merit. Besides, I know you and most guys who have great knowledge of pre-war cars should also be the guys with the most stories to tell.
Regale us with your stories, please.