I commend the quality of your Austin Harris photo of the car on the banking - you must have better IT equipment than myself! Of course you are correct - it's the spectacularly unsuccessful Bora.
You will note that the exhaust in the 2 photos varies. The car was fitted with at least 3 Sage engines at various times, starting with a 1.7 litre, progressing to a 2.5 litre and then finally gaining a 3rd place finish with a 1.9 litre motor. I think the car raced till about 1926. It always used a Sage engine (of Grays Inn Road and Peterborough) and there is some conclusion that it was used as a sort of Sage "works" car. Frederick Sage were important makers of office and shop furniture and I can think of no reason why they decided to make automobile engines.
Very well solved.
PS I have no reference anywhere of an MAB car. If you know anything..........