Author Topic: Three Swedes go to Mexico  (Read 1144 times)

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Three Swedes go to Mexico
« on: February 17, 2014, 07:20:44 AM »
Ole, Sven, and Lars decide they are going to Mexico for a vacation.  They get falling down drunk and wake up in jail and find out they all have been sentenced to die in the electric chair.
Sven is the first to be strapped in the electric chair and the guards ask if he has any last words. Sven says, "I yust graduated from St. John's College in Minnesota, with a degree in divinity studies, and I am a good Christian man . . .  but if it is God's will for me to die, so be it."  The guards throw the switch and nothing happens. The guards get on their knees and say, "You are surely a Godly man and we are going to let you go."
Lars is next to be strapped into the electric chair and the guards ask if he has any last words. Lars says, "I yust graduated from Concordia college in Moorhead, Minnesota, with a degree in divinity studies, and I am a God fearing man.  If it is my time to die, it is God's will." The guards throw the switch and nothing happens. The guards say, "You also are a Godly man and we are going to let you go.”
Ole is the last to be strapped into the electric chair. The guards ask him if he has any last words.  Ole says, "Vel, I yust graduated from South Dakota Tech in electrical engineering . . .  and I'll tell ya right now, if you don't plug dat ting in, it ain't gonna work."
Interests in life:  Cars, cars, cars - oh and