It's hard to believe that our grand-daughter is now almost an adult. Back in the days when she was a cute five-year-old, she was getting bored on a long car journey, so we decided to play "I spy". She lost out to her big sister whose brain was, naturally, more advanced. Gloom descended upon the little one, so the rest of us decided that she should be given another chance at the game. The gloom lifted, to be replaced by the usual beaming smile.
"I spy with my little eye, something beginning with 'tcha' !" The rest of the party quetioned the logic of 'tcha', but we struggled to solve the riddle. Cherry tree could have been reasonable, as could Chatanooga Choo-Choo if we had been anywhere near a rail system. The beaming smile widened, and 'tcha' remained entrenched as the clue.
Eventually, we gave up the mental challenge. "O.k," I said, "what on Earth begins with 'tcha'

The smile expanded to a triumphant cavern with the answer "TCHAFFIC lights".