A message to my fellow American Autopuzzlers:
I woke up at 5 a.m. this morning, european time, and went down and turned on my TV set and listened to both speeches, first John McCain's, then Barack Obama's acceptance speech. Great speeches. It's no small thing what happened yesterday.
As an European, I guess this is no surprise to you that I favored Obama's candidacy. But if I love american cars, you must also guess that I have a special fondness for America. And I felt proud of these two speeches and thought "yes they did!", and I think you should be proud too. Whatever your personnal choice was, you can be.
I turned 20 in 1967, so naturally the sixties, California, had a great part in my interest for America. But Arizona, Kansas, Nebraska, Wyoming, Montana, all of them states who gave a majority to McCain, are the states I know best in the USA. I liked the people I met there. I resent the opposition nurtured between "rednecks" and "liberals" or "intellectuals", and I was thrilled to hear both candidates call for unity.
It's my personnal opinion that you've elected a man who can more rightly meet today's challenges, for his country and for the world as a whole. The fact that this has been made possible is something I feel indebted for to the American idea. And I'm not alone by far.