Those of you who have been around here for a while may have noticed that - as a few others - I like to change my picture and signature once in a while. Not very original, since O. Puzzell does it all the time (illustrating in this manner the wheel of Karma), but quite logical as I kind of took him for a mentor on this site, as all of us newcomers do.
A bit puzzled in the end by his constant metamorphosis, I eventually tried to find out what his avatars and mottos meant. I got the meaning of the last but I won't tell you because it's more fun if you keep wondering what it means.
Mine are a little different: they are made to be decyphered. They are, in a way, puzzles within the puzzles. But not auto-puzzles. Movie puzzles.
It happened by itself after I had to explain a comment coming from a line by Peter Sellers in "The Party" (birdie num-num). A few hours after, I was changing my portrait for one of Sellers himself, then periodically switched to a few frames of that film. I also like movies.
After that, I changed for images of another one, a rather obscure film of the 1960's, but a cult-film for a few. My texts and signatures were clues to identify that film (I even gave the title) but as I hadn't warned anyone, nobody understood it was a puzzle, that's for sure.
I am attaching below the same pictures, plus one. The texts you'll have to remember. Any mad film lovers amoung you?
Oh, these are NOT autopuzzles. There is absolutely no point to win by participating. Just fun.
This will go on, and I'll change the film once it's discovered (or before if I run short of pictures). Always cult (to me anyway) and maybe rare films.
There is a second on right now by the way. It's already its second frame and I also have given clues in the texts. You can start guessing its title right now.
And here is the first one.