The thing with High schools, maybe even all schools is that they are “required” to have some sort of healthy portion, the simple issue with kids nowadays is that they dont wanna eat it. I remember being in elementary, and my parents told me to eat any fruits or vegetables they offer. I did eat some fruits, but the problem with most of it is that its poorly maintained. Broccoli used to be very dry, Green Beans (the fake ones) were in microwaved containers and were super chewy. The things like this made kids not want to eat it, and they all simply threw it away. But high fat foods however, were more maintained since it consisted of the main meal. Greasy Pizza, Hamburgers, the whole lot. Its just more appetizing to kids and to people of all ages. I’ve maintained a steady diet since I do sports, but to see sometimes when the lunch ladies scoop out large portions of french fries and plops them onto the tray is just crazy. I dont understand how they can do it. Another thing is money. Meals like the one you saw cost $6-$8. Thats a lot of money for a lunch, and why I never order school lunches that much anymore. But the U.S needs money like it needs oxygen, so it seems thats places like schools will do whatever than can to get the most bang for their buck.