So she gave a speech locally at my alma mater (Googling the term “ alma mater” and I learned that the phrase means "nourishing mother", thank you Sara. Without you, I would not have learned that.)
The action was OUTSIDE due to the protests. This area is strongly Republican/Libertarian and emerging Tea Party. Unemployment is 19%.
80% + mortgages are underwater, with one local high-end master planned community at 95%. Nevertheless, local government is doing its best to reject any form of help.
Interestingly Lewis Black is performing at the Gallo Center at the end of next week. He will provide a timely counterbalance, for much much less money.
The controversy over Sara Palin's speech centers on a California Senator, ( in the spirit of open government) requested that the University Foundation reveal how much it was paying Sara Palin and how much they were making off her appearance. In response, the University stated that those numbers were a private matter.
So here is the open mic after her speech: