I'm wasting my time guessing old and uninteresting cars because
- I have no social life
- 0 (0%)
- Cars is only thing I know
1 (12.5%)
- I don't have anything else to do
- 0 (0%)
- I like to brag about car knowledge to friends
- 0 (0%)
- Cars are fun hobby
1 (12.5%)
- I enjoy researching the archane, delving into trivial minutae, rolling in the stench of long unseen archives, sniffing out trails left by the trails of the merest whisps of an esoteric hint. Respect me, for I am a Trivia Bloodhound.
1 (12.5%)
- I am rainman. Definitely rainman. Wapner's on in 5 minutes. That's a Knibbs & Parkyn Bentley, never an HJ Mulliner. Definitely Crosbie & Dunn. Wapner's on in 4 minutes.
- 0 (0%)
- My dear friend, as a Certified Automotive Historian, I have invested thousands of hours into research, cataloging and cross checking all makes and manners of Automobile that interest me. Naturally, I am only interested in the finest of automobiles and, fo
- 0 (0%)
- See that over there under the tree? Yeah, the rusted one. No, the one under the tarp. That's a Dual-Ghia. Beautiful in its day. Wish it ran. The other rusty one under the tree? Oh that's a spectacular Aurelia B50 Convertible. Tinworm got to her, I'm afrai
- 0 (0%)
- I just like cars.
2 (25%)
- Somebody is asking slanted questions because they can't solve the puzzles.
3 (37.5%)
Total Members Voted: 8