What I wrote for the police report:
On September 12th I, UltraI, worked the 3:30 pm to closing shift with an employee of mine, Samantha Male, at the Charly O's pizzeria on 131 State St. in Hillman MI.. When 7:00 p.m. rolled around, I ran the "x" on the cash register, which is the function that tells me what sales were for the day up to that point. Samantha saw me run this "x" and we discussed that sales were $259.81 at that point. I reminded her to call me at the end of the night with total sales. When I walked out of the restaurant to to go home, I checked my phone for the time. It was 7:09 p.m as I walked out the door.
Samantha called me, Just after 9:00 p.m. that evening. She said she had been scrubbing the floor in areas that needed special attention and reported that we had no more sales since I left and the tape in the register totaled out for the evening at $259.81. She said the register balanced and she was ready to go. I thanked her and we hung up.
I had been suspicious for quite some time of theft in the restaurant and with having gotten reports of some of Samantha's suspicious behaviors, like taking of food, unpaid for, out the back door at the end of her shifts and telling new employees it was okay for them to do the same, I wanted to verify her claim of no more sales. The next morning, upon going over the caller ID box, it was discovered that the restaurant got a call from a cell phone number, 989 464 0847, belonging to John Cordes, at about 8:30 p.m. the prior evening. I immediately called that number and spoke with a lady who proceeded to tell me her Medium, 4 item pizza and cheesy bread she got from the pizzeria last night was wonderful. She told me they picked it from the girl just before 9:00 p.m.
I fired Samantha that morning. I proceeded to speak to my help about what they knew of her behavior and now you have in your hands my report, along with the report of one of my employees who witnessed Samantha's larceny point blank. I think it is important that some level of justice and punishment be sought for this type of behavior, otherwise it reinforces in the perpetrator the behavior as somehow being "acceptable."
I strongly urge you to press charges and let her be processed by the system. Perhaps, in the inconveniences and indignities of facing a judge over this type of behavior, Samantha can learn that she needs to follow the rules just like the rest of us.