Well, my online dictionary says one of the slang meanings of "casser" is to "bash in" or "beat up". "Les dents" are teeth, so I suspect the second phrase has something to do with someone getting a "knuckle sandwich" {American slang for a fist to the face} if they say certain words.
The first phrase I make out to be something along the lines of "The damned Apaches did not make anything but a butchery of Lt. O'Rourke's patrol."
But I see what you mean. I spent about 10 minutes getting that far and probably only got the actual meaning about 80% correct. Which means I would have missed the more subtle sense that the speaker/writer intended.
I had a close encounter of that kind in Annecy this past September, where I was a witness to a protest march. There was one sign referring to Sarkozy and containing the word "ble". I know that "ble" is wheat but my French host had to explain to me that in France, it refers to special provisions in laws that favor one group or another - in this case, friends of Sarkozy and certainly NOT the protesters! The idiom in English would be "pork" - inflated and unnecessary spending meant to benefit a small number of people and not the citizens in general.
I am aware that the language issue is a major stumbling block for many AutoPuzzle members who maybe would like to join in these discussions but do not feel they have the necessary English skills to do so successfully. That's a shame. God damn the Old Testament God and his "foutus" Tower of Babel!
During my travels last September, I was blessed with the company of two digital comrades, one French and one Italian, both of whom spoke better English than most Americans. But both of them were convinced they were not fluent enough in English to use it very much.
The Italian was our very own Paul Jaray, who provided the script for the two stories I did on Bugattis in Tuscany. Of all the stories I did for Examiner.com, (until I discovered I was working for peanuts,) I am probably most proud of those two.
Continuing with the topic, more or less, the US is involved up to its eyeballs with orchestrating the transition in Egypt from Mubarak to whatever is next. At this point, it appears the favorite candidate is Suleiman, who was head of the feared secret police and the man we turned to when we needed any of our post 9/11 detainees tortured.
I personally am disgusted that we would have anything to do with this butcher, but one has to have an understanding of US/Egypt relations over the past 40 years. During that time, Egypt has been the recipient of the MOST American foreign aid. But look behind that statement, and you will find that up to 90% of all the money the American taxpayers have handed out to Egypt came right back to the US through our armaments manufacturers. What we have been doing is nothing less than using taxpayer dollars to prop up American warplane, tank, humvee, ammunition, explosives and bomb manufacturers. So, in other words, our current priority is to keep doing business with someone who is subservient to American wishes, so that the flow of dollars through Egypt and back to the US will not be interrupted. All of our lofty statements about democracy and human decency are pure Grade A
Most Americans don't know this. Would it make any difference if it did? Probably not. It's just more "ble" in our government spending for the benefit of a favored few.
If you can work your way through this long and convoluted post, I would love to get some feedback from you, Ray!