Same weather here. I need a machete to navigate to the mailbox.
We're doing a fair bit of fix-ups on the house, too. I'm finishing up re-flooring the first floor (went with laminate from Lumber Liquidators, which was half as expensive as Home Depot or Lowes. If you're used to this stuff, and don't need your hand held by an 'associate', that's the way to go), which looks just super, if I don't say so myself.
Next comes the upstairs water closet. Anyone here have experience with a tub and shower liner, versus getting a new tub and retiling the surrounding area?
Haven't heard the PJ disc - I've been re-acquainting myself with the Weird Al boxed set of late. His original songs are really quite amusing. The humor of the parody remakes, on the other hand, wears off pretty quickly (although I still like "Headline News").