Well the shake out has begun...
I work for a trucking company based in AA. They finally told us yesterday that they are shutting down our office here and moving all duties to AA. They gave us the terms of our exit/severance package today. Unfortunately, they won't be able to give us any idea what our exit date might be until mid-October.
I still have no reason to think they will offer me a spot in AA (or that I would even take it), but I posted this just to get some info on the area so that I would have a better understanding of the area should something be offered.
The business reason behind this restructuring is very logical and makes one wonder why it didn't happen years ago. Logic would tell me that the mailroom guy, my boss and/or I will be the last 2 or3 to leave the building. Someone has to break down the computers, servers and network , pack them and ship them out.