During the last Chicago Cubs game ever broadcast on WGN radio, 09/28/2014, Pat Hughes (voice since 1996) reminisced & mentioned that, when saying goodbye, we tend to say we’ll see each other later or will keep in touch, but that rarely actually happens. I somewhat succeeded, by road tripping 2002-2011, meeting many of you along the way. I also tried to get people in this area together but stopped asking; ironically, I still want to ask if anyone wants to meet up….
I look through my pics of road trips, people, places, cars … & wonder where some, including those I thought would always be in my life, are today.
Next week, I say goodbye to friends of 13+ years; they’re moving to SC 10/10/2014. It will mark the end of an era in multiple ways. With them leaving, I have to figure out where I’ll consign my 1979 & 1989 Caprice Classics to sell (can’t really afford storage for the winter), where/how to put the ‘81mc in storage (lowest possible cost) & which junkyard to dump the unneeded & unwanted car parts … all while continuing the job search & starting the process of reviewing my stuff. I’d ask for help, but….
Know that feeling of the walls closing in? Yep, that’s where I’m at now!
“Life can take your dreams & turn them upside down; friends will talk about you when you're not around … People make you promises they'll never keep; soon you'll know why people say talk is cheap”
"I thought things couldn't get much worse, but guess what they did ... I can live on my prayers, 'cause I'm done playin' nice ... I get stronger with every step ... You push on me I'm going to push back harder, I got a whole lot more than a little bit left, so don't put dirt on my grave just yet"
Cort | 41.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 1979 & 1989 Caprice Classics