Hi Dave, and welcome to Autopuzzles. Carnut just said it all, really. It can become very addictive, and if you've got "another half" there could be strife ahead. Please stick around - the content of the puzzles means at any one point in time there'll probably be at least one puzzle which will interest you. You'll get to know each member's particular speciality as the weeks go by - some members like coachbuilders, some like trucks, some like motor sport, and some know every single car that was ever built.
As Carnut said, don't feel that you are going to look silly - go ahead and ask what you like. If anyone is rude or sarcastic (unlikely) the editors will soon sort them out. Everyone is welcome - it's our common interest in cars which is important. You can post your own puzzles whenever you want, it doesn't matter if you haven't solved any. Be careful to thoroughly check through the search facility whether the car has been a previous subject. I'm still learning how to do things, and I reckon most of us make mistakes from time to time.
Good luck. Remember - persevere with it and you will be rewarded. I can't stay away.