Climb under your dash all you Toyota owners.
Well, that's what you and I would do, but you and I are not Mr & Mrs. Car Owner, who will, undlubtedly, act like chickens running around with their heads cut off, screaming "The sky is falling! The sky is falling! We must run and sue Toyota1 I don't drive my 10 year old Toyota lest my day end in a gigantic fireball!"

Congress has now scheduled HEARINGS on this. WTF? What has Congress got to do with it? Why drag people away from trying to solve the problem to go listen to a bunch of preening, bloviating lawmakers in Assington, DC?
The whole situation is rapidly getting out of hand. I think Toyota has been doing a reasonably good job of responding, although it could have been better. I went to my local Toyota dealer to ask about all this, only to watch the sales managers cheery hellow turn in to a very grim and tight lipped "No Comment." People, at least on the local level, are running scared.
Excellent time to short Toyota stock.