Ok, then, I'll take a step back, starting from the beginning.
I have an excel file, simple as that, no-operators or tags, just an excel file.
This file is made of 3 pages:
A-MAKER (All of them, alphabetically listed, racer designers, etc...)
B-MODEL (each the model of that given make, even the different model-years)
C-Cylinders (how many Cyl, from 1 to 32)
D-Disposition (Boxer, in-line, V, Rotor, W, Stellar, etc.)
F-Max Power
G-Top Speed
I-Kind of vehicle (Kit-car, Replica, Racer, Coachbuilt, One-off, etc...)
J-Cross Reference (A Ferrari by Vignale is also listed under 'Vignale')
K-About the model (if it has an engine by another make, if it was sold under a different make, if it's electric, steam powered, or other notes)
L-About the maker (the total years of production, if it was previously another make, if it was later known with a different name, merges, groups, etc)
From N to AN, the sources, for EACH model, and if there are pics or technical details in there.
A legenda, with all the abbreviations of the index, and the sources.
B-Year (indicative)
C-Kind of manufacturer (indicative)
D-few notes about the make (the same of Pag.1 Col.L)
E-The full name of the company (very important when you have 10 makers with the same name).
I would like to share this with all of you, starting with Pag.3.
The list is now just an excell file, but once it will be released, we can choose the best way to edit it.
I'll post the "A" letter soon (I have to fix it because I have the few notes in Italian) and then you can thell me which database will be the best for OUR project.