I chose "all of the above", because I have all of the above. I have an old car (my '69 Jag) because that's the only way you can get an E-Type.
I have a new Tundra every three years because the company pays the lease so they can get the tax deduction and other benefits, and use it as an incentive to me.
I have an '04 Audi allroad bought used in '04 with 9k miles for my wife's use, and I saved a bunch. I bought it used because I could save a ton, and because they didn't have any new ones - but I would not have spent as much as a new one costs in the first place, so that's the only way we
could own one........
I have a '98 Lexus ES 300 that we bought used with 19k miles and saved a bunch on. It's now my daily driver ( I inherited it when she got the Audi) and unless it gets majorly expensive, i'll probably drive it till it's used up. Lexus (and most new cars) don't rust, so it will have to be a major mechanical or electrical failure to take it off the road and given their track record, I may be driving it for a very long time!
When it comes to new cars, I'm torn. There is something to be said for being the first owner and driver, but it's also expensive unless you can write it off or just drive it till it's used up (or you can just afford it). Another aspect is being one of the first to get to have and drive new models (Like Ultra and his GTO), and having the newest and latest technological gains............
How many people would have a daily driver without airbags or antilock brakes these days if they could afford otherwise?
Anyway, my feet are firmly planted in all camps!