Author Topic: The Roadmaster Files + Invite, 11/11/2012  (Read 1159 times)

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Offline knightfan26917

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The Roadmaster Files + Invite, 11/11/2012
« on: September 22, 2012, 02:49:04 PM »
"I kept my heart hidden" __ Bryan White __ 'So Much For Pretending'

I've debated whether or not to post (albeit a long one), but since I have pics & thoughts to share, why not?  Perhaps my screenname should now be "CAPRICE_knight"...!


Sunday, 11/11/2012 ... BOOK IT!
Plans & Details TBD
To spend time w/people, including YOU!, on the 1st anniversary of my 2011 open heart surgery
Elgin IL area, no matter the weather
Interested?  Contact me:

ALL new 75 photos (& captions, relative to THIS post) are here:

I didn't have much "creativity" in taking pics for a while, but that seems to be returning (compared to some of my other pics on my picasa site)....


I detailed my 1979 Caprice Classic for the 1st time in over 2 years, 08/29/2012.  Cleaning took 11 hours (7:30a-6:30p) minus ~45 minutes for lunch & 4 afternoon breaks, ~10 minutes each.  In the afternoon, a young couple walked by; the guy asked how much.  I told him $1 million.  He laughed & said, "No seriously."  I said, "Seriously, 1 million".  I told him about my unemployment & medical bills & the lady said to him, "Ya know, you should just leave him alone.  He's been cleaning that car since early this morning."  The guy then said, "I always love walking by this house.  It's nice to see older cars being used."  I must've had a weird look on my face (the other car that sits outside here is a Cobalt) because he quickly added, "I've seen other cars.  You had a blue Monte Carlo, & a few others, right?"  I relaxed a bit & nodded, explaining why they were gone/sold.  Then, he said, "Well, I'd love to buy this Caprice, but I can't afford that high price" ... & chuckled.  I just smiled; they turned & walked away.  I wonder how many people notice & appreciate older cars being used/driven....

I finally WASHED my 2 remaining (for now...) MCs (1979 & 1981), 09/06/2012.  In doing so, I noticed that the '79 & '81 are the only MCs I've owned that do NOT have Ch#$r%*et on them SOMEWHERE.  The '72 has it on the wheels; the '76 has it in the bowtie under the rear nameplate; the '87 (& '88) has it plastered on the driver's side of the trunk lid & on the passenger's side of the dashboard.  HA!  NO...I'm not bitter...not me....  Ironically, my rear-wheel-drive-only 1979 Caprice Classic has it on the front & back!  With the help of a friend, the 2 MCs were then detailed (I did the interior; he did most of the waxing/polishing) 09/09/2012.  Without his help, they would most-likely not have been cleaned this year.

08/17/2012 ... 1st day MCs out this year; prior to ANY cleaning:

1979 Caprice Classic, after detailing:

The Family of 3, after detailing:

Notice the reflections in the 1979 MC & 1979 Caprice Classic fenders:


During my continuing unemployment, the only show I've allowed myself to watch during the day (except for Jeopardy!), is Rockford Files (1974-80), on ME-TV.  When I watch, I'm reminded that, perhaps, I was born in the wrong decade. Call it nostalgic, wistful, sentimental, or whatever, but each episode, I see many cars (particularly w/my MC family gone) that I'd LOVE to own or just simply drive ... Jim's Pontiac Firebird, Ford LTDs & Thunderbirds, Lincoln Continentals, Dodge Chargers & Coronets, Plymouth Furys, Caprice Classics, Buicks, Oldsmobiles, etc.

Each episode has memorable quotes, but a recent was KITT saying to James: "Mr. Rockford, you are coming dangerously close to contempt of court...again!"  Course, William Daniels was a few years from being KITT, but it was still weird.  Another episode, "Sleight of Hand", was based on a novel, "Thin Air". It piqued my interest &, while I can't quite put my finger on it, is an episode that connected w/me....,54582/

I am, actually, hoping to get 1 of the following for a "summer" daily driver:
1989 Caprice Classic sedan
1992-3 Buick Roadmaster sedan
1976-7 Ford LTD sedan


Labor Day weekend, a friend from TX, Robert, was in Geneva IL visiting another friend in the area.  I stayed with Robert in the Dallas TX area during my 2011 road trip, so I made a point to see him Monday.  [I was flabbergasted at all of the businesses I saw open during my 50-mile drives in both of my dirty (at the time) MCs & my drive in my clean 1979 Caprice Classic back'n'forth to Geneva.  Didn't businesses used to be CLOSED on Holidays?]  During our visit, we reviewed some of my old road trip pics.  As I looked at them, I was struck by just how many people I've met over the years & STILL keep in touch.  Others I miss, even though I don't know where they are today....

Tuesday, 09/04/2012 (the day I was supposed to drive to Tallahassee FL on my 2012 road trip), I didn't get to watch The Rockford Files because I drove to Freeport IL to help with a Farmer's Market (had a blast & my friends sent me home w/goodies!), but I felt like I had a mini roll in an episode w/the cars I saw (minus Jim's Pontiac), kicked off by a black 1977 Lincoln Town Car at the gas station in Burlington IL.  Of ALL the days to forget my camera....  In all, I saw ... (2) 1979ish Ford Thunderbirds, (1) tan 1976 Caprice Classic sedan, (1) blue 1971ish Caprice Classic coupe, (1) white 1978/1979 Chrysler Cordoba, (1) 1977ish Ford LTD, (1) 2-tone blue 1980s Ford LTD Crown Victoria (at the Farmer's Market in Freeport IL), & yes, MCs...(1) orange w/tan vinyl top 1977, (1) red 1971, (1) maroon 1986-88 LS.

Saturday, 09/08/2012, I drove my 1979 Caprice Classic to Rochelle IL for lunch to meet friends traveling from Wisconsin back home to Missouri.

Sunday, 09/16/2012, an "impromptu" Elgin-area gathering with Jon, Kelly & Matt.  We had lunch at Buffalo Wild Wings (S Elgin IL), then drove to Plato Center so Kelly & Matt could see my MCs.  It was an awesome afternoon.  The "lunch fleet", L-R, my 1979 Caprice Classic, Matt's CC wagon & Jon's LTD wagon:

Sunday, 09/30/2012, I'll go to Jefferson WI for the Swap Meet with a friend.

39th BIRTHDAY, 09/19/2012

Hard to believe it, but I'm 1 year closer to 40.  I celebrated by watching 2 "car shows" (Knight Rider & The Rockford Files) & then driving my own "car cruise" (my '79 & '81 MCs ~40 miles each & my 1979 Caprice Classic ~50 miles).  Then, a family dinner at Applebees w/some "Nephew Time"!

Nephew James w/Darrell Cartrip (1976/7 2nd generation MC) & a 1970 1st generation MC HotWheels:

My 1981 4th generation MC (in the family for 30 of my birthdays) & my 1979 3rd generation MC (w/me for 19 birthdays) in the mirror of my 1979 Caprice Classic (w/me for 3 birthdays)...:


Something about September always makes me melancholy.  This year, just a touch more.  I was stopped in my tracks when I realized what the September monthly feature was on the NY MC Club former MC family.  I'm tired of not feeling like doing much & procrastinating.  I'm also tired of failing & being unemployed.  This listlessness & restlessness is not a good combination.  I'm still highly embarrassed & extremely sad about what I had to do (sell 3 of my MC family) in late July.  Right now, I really need a road trip (as I had planned to do the 1st 2 weeks of September), a job (so I can REALLY get "back on track"), &/or something else....  Luckily, unemployment was extended, but only until the end of December 2012.

The word "depression" grates on my nerves.  That's a good thing because it means I recognize it.  Years ago, I was very "mad at the world"/depressed/unhappy. Then, around my 01/06/2003 open heart surgery, something "snapped"...& I realized I had to be happy. For the better part of 9 years, it worked. Perfectly. I did my road trips & met MANY people that I count as friends.  Now, I wish my overall discouragement would stop increasing.  BUT, life IS still good.  It is interestingly amazing how some things just make you smile & energize you, even at the weirdest times.

Finally, ya'll have been warned my "big heart" is gone.  So, this is the society we want?
...Convict a person based on "hearsay" evidence, but not convict a company based on FACTS?
...Hurl personal insults, threats, daggers at each other over what politicians "promise", but not take into account that what we say MAY involve loved ones?
...Watch politicians spend outrageous amounts on campaigns, but not find money for pressing issues?
...Use health issues (like my congenital heart defect) for political gain, even though health issues do not see Republican, Democrat, male, female, rich, poor, etc.?
...Have businesses open on "holidays" (Memorial Day, July 4th, Labor Day), but not support home-town entrepreneurs?
...Say we support each other & promise to assist, but when needed the most, ignore each other, go silent, say the "what not to say" phrases, or not fulfill our agreements?
...Expect donations for worthy causes, but then not acknowledge the generosity?
...Witness a church spend $20,000 per MONTH on a mortgage, while individuals struggle to make ends meet &/or are forced to sell prized possessions due to unemployment & medical bills?
...Instead of telling people to "never forget", shouldn't we ACT like we "always remember", w/the same friendliness & caring displayed towards each other in the weeks immediately after 09/11/2001?
Just sayin'.

3 more "photo highlights":

Part of my new "MC family", L-R (counterclockwise) = green 1970, red/black 1971, silver 1972, yellow 1973, dark brown 1977, light brown 1979, maroon 1987 Aero, black 1986 SS, 1987 NASCAR SS Aero, 1999/2000 Intimidator Concept, 1983 NASCAR SS:

09/15/2012 ... It's logical, right, to start a project LATE on a Saturday night that you know you can't completely finish (which frustrates you) & then take some "half-hearted" pics just to show you've done something?  2 of the pics...

...display case:

...dresser top:

Cort | 39.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 2 MCs + 1979 Caprice Classic + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 =
* roadsNwheels + CapriceClassicForum = *
"Summer has come & passed" __ Green Day __ 'Wake Me Up When September Ends'

Offline knightfan26917

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Re: The Roadmaster Files + Invite, 11/11/2012
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2012, 02:18:18 AM »
Hindsight 20/20, I should've split this into several posts, given the # of topics, but since this is my 1st post in over a month, figured I wouldn't "bombard" ya'll w/separate posts....

I'd love to have this at an area Forest Preserve, but given the time of year, that probably isn't best to plan.  So, I'm reviewing restaurants & other possibilities.  PLEASE SAVE THE DATE; hope YOU are able to join us!  Timeframe: probably starting ~1p....

Other milestones...
...9th anniversary of my 3rd open heart surgery, 01/06/2003
...25th anniversary of my 2nd OHS, March 1987
...35th anniversary of my original OHS, November 1977

12 new pics are from my 75-mile drive (per MC; the longest each has had in a WHILE) 09/23/2012!

Since 08/17/2012, I've driven my 2 MCs, for 2012, 610+ miles EACH; maybe I WILL drive over 1,000 miles on both yet this year....  My '81 MC surpassed 195,000 miles, 09/25/2012!  (I had expected to pass the 175,000-mile mark in my now-former '87 MC LS this November.)

In contrast, I've driven my 1979 Caprice Classic over 5,500 miles for the year; ~1,100 miles since 08/17/2012 & close to the 160,000-mile mark.  The mileage includes a few trips west, including 2 to Freeport IL & 1 to Rochelle IL.

I had planned to enjoy my 9th "major" & documented road trip (my 12th "major" overall) this year, but couldn't due to my continuing unemployment....

More highlights, including 3 from the 75-mile drive.  Perhaps my creative picture-taking IS returning?

08/31/2012 ... Detailed 1979 Caprice Classic's shiny emblem & woodgrain:

08/31/2012 ... Detailed 1979 Caprice Classic's crisp chrome, deep blue color, reflective black & shiny silver:

09/09/2012 ... 1979 MC detailed; 1981 MC yet to be waxed; 1979 Caprice Classic visible in the far background.  This photo reminds me of pics my sister took ~1997 of the '79 & '81 MCs at sunset at Elgin Community College.  At the time, the '81 still had the Malibu hubcaps.  Then, like now, the '79 & '81 are the only MCs.....

09/12/2012 ... 1979 & 1981 MCs:

09/15/2012 ... 1979 Caprice Classic & 1981 MC, both w/1979 hubcaps:

09/15/2012 ... 1981 MC, 1979 Caprice Classic, 1979 MC hood ornaments:

09/15/2012 ... 1981 & 1979 MC dealer posters hanging in my re-arranged room:

09/23/2012 ... 1979 Caprice Classic; heading home from an afternoon of driving my MCs, along US RT 20 E:

09/23/2012 ... 1979 MC along Plank Rd, E towards Burlington IL:

09/23/2012 ... 1981 MC along Melms Rd, E outside of Hampshire IL:

Cort | 39.m.IL | pigValve + paceMaker + cowValve | 2 MCs + 1979 Caprice Classic + RoadTrips.hobbies.RadioShows.us66 =
*** 3rd GEN MC (1978,1979,1980) FORUM > ***
"The thing I find most amazing in amazing grace is the chance to give it out" __ Brandon Heath __ 'I'm Not Who I Was'