Author Topic: Bugatti "project America"  (Read 1042 times)

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Bugatti "project America"
« on: December 20, 2009, 12:36:30 PM »
Did a quick serach trough the forum but couldn't find it so here it goes.

Ever heard of it?
I did, and I can't find much more.

It is supposed to be a second model for the Italian Bugatti of the nineties, maybe based on the EB110 itself, designed in the years after the unveiling of the first car and obviously before of the bankruptcy. It was specifically designed for the North American market, even if that wouldn't exclude the diffusion on other markets.

That's what I know.
What I'd think on the other hand is that the very first EB110 chassis, #3900x, which I was told is not sporting anymore the original bodywork, is actually showcasing now the initial design of this "project America". Picture attached for illustrative purpose.
Responsible for the present look should be styling director Gian Paolo Benedini, with the actual style being developed by Steeve Bernaud and Eric Serafini.

Do you know more on this subject?