LOW 77 was issued by Southampton County Borough Council in September 1953, but it's only possible to find out what car it was issued to by accessing their records. All UK registration records were transferred to the centralised DVLA in Swansea in 1974, and whilst some local issuing offices kept records most destroyed their records dating back to 1903 when it was no longer their responsibility to issue numbers, an act of pure vandalism akin to destroying a work of art because a copy now existed at another gallery...
For your interest, this registration number is currently For Sale at a number dealer in the UK, signifying that either it has already been taken off the Tojeiro, the owner is willing to take it off (another act of vandalism if he's prepared to do that and lose originality replacing it with a crappy age-related plate that would look all wrong) or else the car has been exported. If the plate is sold the car could never get it back even if it returned to the UK, if it's been exported.
And incidentally LOY is a London registration, so I don't know why this particular Tojeiro might be Southampton-registered..