It doesn't work like that and let me explain better:
Let's pretend I'm asking Petru for his you think I could ask for his whole database, just to match it with mine?
Or, let's say, all the makers from 2000 to 2010 because those are the years I still have to cover in detail?
I hope Arunas won't mind if I take him as an example:
Long ago he started a website and was looking for info here and there. As usual I was more than happy to give my contribution. His first website (findrarecars) evolved in his wonderful Allcarindex. He never asked for stuff just to copy and paste in his website but, while He was researching for this and that, He kindly asked for some sources, pages of some books, pics or just some info. In the process he shared some very interesting stuff with me, pics, links etcetera.
I don't know if it's more the stuff I gave him or the one I took from him or his website but I don't care because that's not the point: I had the impression we exchanged our material to let our works grow.
This is what I'm willing to do with anyone.
EDIT: I deleted a big part of this reply because it was about all-car-brands and felt like I should address it to him directly.