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Welcome to - Home of Automobilia Passion!
« on: May 02, 2022, 01:48:17 PM »
Dear autopuzzlers,

it is my great pleasure to reveal to you all a result of almost 2 years of hard work.

Welcome to CARTEFACTS - Home of Automobilia Passion!

It is a unique website project dedicated to automobilia and all things related to interesting car memorabilia - the #cartefacts.

Key features of our website are:

- Diversity of brands. We plan to add items of 1000+ brands from all around the world.

- Diversity of items. We will add not only usual car brochures of well-known or extremely obscure cars but also magazines, books, and other car-related stuff. Surprises are coming!

- Geography. More than 60 countries will be covered.

- Photographs. We provide the most complete galleries filled with high-resolution photographs. We are unique in terms of this.

- Search tool lets you research the archive quickly and easily filter out exactly what you need.

- Blog. Dedicated to the latest car news as well as stories of the selected items. You may add to your newsfeed reader.

- Motorshows. Alongside the #cartefacts archive we also do research motorshows of the world. We will constantly update this section with galleries, information, and items. We will not only bring you information on the latest motorshows but also will take you back in time to the earliest motorshows in the motoring history! Watch this space.

- Social media. Please make sure to follow, like & share our posts on social media. You can find us on and

That was a very brief summary of We are very happy to bring you this news! Exciting items, stories, and a lot of fun are guaranteed.

Come, and join us on our journey. Let's be friends and let's keep the #AutomobiliaPassion burning inside of us!

Creator and Owner

P.S. Many thanks to Pal for kindly approving this post.