Author Topic: The Junk by porridgehead.  (Read 3483 times)

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The Junk by porridgehead.
« on: October 31, 2006, 11:24:25 PM »
It was always called ‘The Junk’. Long before I had ever visited Ben’s summer home,
before I had met either Ben or Dave in high school, before Ben was born, even before
Ben’s father was born, it was called ‘The Junk’. In fact, the powder blue and black model
T was named ‘The Junk’ from the very moment it first turned a wheel, because that’s
exactly what it was born of: junk.

Ben’s grandfather was an ambulance driver in the First World War.   With this job came a
myriad of responsibilities, including field doctor, nurse, getaway driver and on-the-fly
mechanic. It was the mechanic aspect that caused 'The Junk' to come into being. The
ambulances of WW1 were frequently Model Ts because they were cheap, easy to repair
and very durable. These were all key features since the Geneva Convention did not come
into existence until 1949. Thus, during WW1, ambulances and virtually anything else that
moved, frequently took fire and as a result were either disabled or just plain blown up,
unfortunate occupants included. Ben’s grandfather would pick up some of the parts of the
ambulances that the army was no longer interested in and ship them back to his home in
the U.S. So, every once in a while a parcel would arrive back in the states containing a
slightly scorched seat or maybe a straight enough axle or perhaps a shrapnel pierced hood,
each a singular greeting from some war-ravaged front in France.

Read the rest here:
« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 09:43:19 AM by Ultra »
“Honi soit qui mal y pense”

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Re: The Junk by porridgehead.
« Reply #1 on: November 01, 2006, 08:57:11 AM »
My grandfather had a 1923 Model T.  I got to ride in it every year during the parades in Harrisville where he kept it.  Those 3 pedals at the bottom could easiliy cause confusion in someone who did not know how to drive it.

Great story.  Thanks for sharing it here.

“Honi soit qui mal y pense”

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Re: The Junk by porridgehead.
« Reply #2 on: November 01, 2006, 10:34:26 AM »
My pleasure. We eventually discovered that it has an electric starter (What's this button under the seat for? Oh JEEZUZ!) so it's a lot more usable. I saw the car a few weeks ago, but it had been packed away for the winter and we didn't want to yank it out of the barn.
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Re: The Junk by porridgehead.
« Reply #3 on: May 02, 2010, 07:04:03 AM »
I just came across this old one because it made the front page. Lovely story and fine writing.
More like this would be fine.
He Touched Me With His Noodly Appendage